“I don’t know,” she said again, sounding frustrated herself. “I…”

She what?

With another growl, he pulled out and took a half-step back. Using the fistful of her hair, he jerked her to her feet. “Asked what you needed, can’t give me a fuckin’ answer. If you can’t tell me what you need to get you there, then I’m gonna take what I want and forget about you.”

Again, a fucking lie.

He grabbed her around the waist, lifted her enough to plant her ass on the edge of the table again, just like when he’d eaten her out, and stepped between her legs, forcing them wider.

“Legs around my waist,” he ordered, shoving his jeans down a little further. As soon as she complied, he speared her with his dick.

Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes half-lidded and her fingernails dug once again dug firmly into his ass, to the point that it felt like she was slicing open his skin. It also made his dick flex deep inside her.

There was no fucking way he was going to tell her to lighten up because he didn’t want that. Anything she was willing to give him, he was going to take it all.

If she wanted to draw blood, he’d let her.

If she wanted to chain him up and ride him until he was shooting nothing but dust, he’d be onboard with that, too.

He only drew the line with certain things, but he doubted she’d ever cross that line. She didn’t seem experienced enough to know even half of the shit he’d done in his past. His sex life had been an interesting journey and he rarely said no to trying new things.

It’s also why he tended to hone in on more experienced women and those women were usually on the older side. It might not always be that way, but he’d found it to be the majority.

Shade had the right idea when claiming Chelle as his ol’ lady. For the first time ever, Dodge had actually been a little jealous of one of his brothers. Especially after watching the video of him and Chelle getting it on in the back of her Subaru. It might not have been kinky but it had been hot as fuck.

That was the moment he realized that having sex with someone you actually had a connection with could make the experience so much fucking better. At this point he wasn’t looking for that kind of connection, but once he decided he was done playing the field, then maybe he wouldn’t mind “settling down” or at least some sort of version of it.

At only thirty-five he was in no rush to find what most of his brothers had found. Most only settled down once they found “the one.” The woman who fit them perfectly.

However, a couple of them, like Trip and Judge, had thought they found “the one” previously and it ended up being a complete fucking disaster. A problem he wanted to avoid. What Trip dealt with when it came to his first wife—the reason he ended up doing time—and also the bullshit Judge dealt with with his first wife and with missing out on his son, Ry, growing up.

But again, why the fuck was his brain even processing this shit right now?

Syn wasn’t “the one.” She was just “the one right now.”

Keep it simple, stupid.

He needed to get the fuck out of his head and get Syn to where she needed to go. This way he could quickly follow.

Now that she was facing him, he wanted to taste those tits. The ones he fantasized about early this morning during his “wind down” time before trying to catch some ZZ’s. Tiny but tempting, especially after seeing them wet while she was in the tub.

He shoved her shirt up, exposing them, clamped his lips around one of her nipples and sucked as hard as he could. With a whimper and an arch of her back, her nails once again sank into his ass, but with both hands this time.

Moving his mouth to her other tit, he released her shirt and wedged his hand between their slapping bodies to touch where they were connected, where he drove in and out of her. He found her slick nub.

He knew what she needed even if she didn’t.

She was going to come, goddamn it. He’d make sure of it.

He pounded her as hard as he could in that position, using his fingers to play with her clit. Using his mouth to play with her nipples, to suck on the soft flesh, to scrape his teeth over the very peaks, to flick those hard tips with his tongue.

The more he worked her, the louder she became. Goddamn music to his ears. Even more addictive than the way she sung on stage. Because in this instance, she was singing for him. Each note told him he was doing what she needed.