Damn. He was not expecting any of this from her. Not even close. Was this really happening or was he imagining it? Was his mind still fucking with him by molding her into a woman he craved?

Was what he was experiencing a fantasy? Or was she truly that woman?

Could she be that woman?

At first he was worried that she might be a virgin, but now…

Now he wondered what she was into.

Wondered how far she was willing to go.

Her bus and her band weren’t leaving until the morning, so if she was willing, they had plenty of time yet to discover how much their likes and needs meshed. To see if she was into the same things he was.

He normally didn’t take the time to explore any of that with the women he took upstairs. Mostly because those were quick hookups. He was usually working and didn’t have time to play. He simply scratched an itch and went back to work.

When the occasional right woman crossed his path, he’d see if she was willing to hang around after closing so they’d have more time. But even then, he never allowed them to remain in his bed for more than a couple of hours.

Letting them stay might give them the wrong idea.

Even so, out of those few women, even less liked everything he did.

He wasn’t super kinky, but he wasn’t quite vanilla, either. He considered himself the perfect flavor.

Vanilla spice.

While vanilla was okay for most nights, a pinch of spice could take it up a notch.

When he wanted anything more than a pinch, he sought out Billie, the sadist sweet butt. When he was in the mood, she could put a hurting on him that took a few days to recover from. Due to that, he could only deal with Billie in small doses.

But it wasn’t Billie he was sliding in and out of right now.

It was Syn who reached back and wrapped her fingers around the back of his neck.

It was Syn who dug her nails into his flesh there, too.

It was Syn who made him hiss as she dragged those nails along his skin, no doubt leaving marks behind this time. Possibly even drawing blood.

“Want me to stop?” he asked. To be sure. To make sure this was exactly what she wanted.

For fuck’s sake, tell me no.

“No,” she groaned in her husky way. In that tempting voice that had sucked him in right from the moment he heard it. “Fuck me.”

She didn’t have to tell him twice. He hadn’t planned on stopping unless she told him to, but she gave him the green light to continue.

The harder he fucked her, the deeper her nails dug into his skin. She scraped them through his beard, down his throat.

Not Billie-type torture, but definitely a turn-on.

She continued to claw at him in encouragement and the only thing keeping his arms from being ripped up was his long-sleeved thermal shirt.

Thank fuck her nails weren’t super long or sharply pointed like some of the sweet butts. Otherwise, he might end up looking like he tangled with a feral cat.

Though, he had no doubt Syn was a little on the feral side. Especially when he’d seen how wary she’d been with him at first. She seemed to be cautious around people she didn’t know. Or maybe it was just men in general.

While nothing was wrong with that, he wondered what caused it. A reason always existed. Whether it was the way she was raised or because of shit she’d experienced.

He hoped like fuck it was the first and not the second.

Right now, that shouldn’t be his concern. In fact, it shouldn’t be his concern at all. She wasn’t sticking around.

Instead, he needed to concentrate on getting her to climax because he was quickly catapulting in that direction himself.

“Tell me what you need,” he whispered in her ear.

She gave her head a little shake, at least as much as she could with his grip on her hair and her cheek pressed into the green felt.

“Tell me,” he demanded because he was quickly sprinting toward his own finish line and he didn’t want her to forfeit the race. When she still didn’t answer, he growled her name. “Syn.”

“I… don’t know. Just… Just keep going.”

That wasn’t possible. If he continued on the way he was, she wouldn’t get to the end along with him.

She had put some trust in him for them to be doing this in the first place and he didn’t want her to regret doing so. He didn’t want her to be disappointed.

He paused.

Why he would even care about that? Normally, he’d give it half a thought, especially if the woman already came, but with Syn…

Goddamn witchcraft.

Pulling shit from him that he wasn’t prepared for.

Like actually fucking caring.

What. The. Fuck.

“Come or don’t. Don’t give a fuck.” Lie.