“Fuck!” he shouted in surprise when she slammed her ass back and impaled herself before he could stop her.

Fuuuuuck. Her inner walls clenched and unclenched as if trying to milk the cum all the way from his brains through his balls.

He gritted his teeth and held still, waiting for her body to stretch around him, letting her get comfortable. She was a hot, tight sheath still slick from her previous orgasms and he struggled not to just start pumping like a dog mounting a bitch in heat.

Because, for fuck’s sake, he wanted to.

He wanted to drive fast and deep to chase the same euphoria she felt after she came. Twice.

He wanted to give her time, but the more she pulsed around him, the less he was able to resist.

“Don’t just stand there.” Her complaint came out in a combination hiss-moan. An irritated plea.

Okay, then…

For once, he was trying to be considerate, but, screw it, if she wanted him to rail her, he was willing to accommodate her.

Maybe a fuck more than willing.

He dug his fingers into her narrow hips and gave her exactly what she wanted. So much so, her body slammed forward with each thrust in and out of her slick heat.

His fingers itched to mark that perfectly unblemished skin. To leave a reminder behind. He closed his eyes, dropped his head and breathed through that urge.

When he got his shit together, he opened his eyes again and saw she now had both hands planted on the green felt of the pool table and her back was arched. So was her neck, causing all her long, dark brown hair to sweep across her back like a cape.

He couldn’t see her face, or if her eyes were opened or closed. He couldn’t see if she was enjoying this as much as he was.

Maybe taking her from behind had been a mistake.

But the whole reason he did so was to protect himself. To prevent himself from being sucked up into her vortex and being unable to escape.

She just needed to be a fuck. That was it. A fuck who was hitting the road after tonight and he’d never see her again.

It was a perfect scenario.

He gathered the strands of her hair and wrapped them around his left hand. Using the silky rope, he tugged, twisting her head to the side, enough to expose the delicate line of her neck.

Folding himself over her, he continued to drive into her tight, hot channel that squeezed and released his length like the fingers of a fist. Over and over.

It was fucking insane. If she continued to do that, it wouldn’t be long before he blew his load. And if that happened, it would be too soon.

Because, fuck him, he wanted to feel her come around his dick. He wanted to feel the same intensity that he had around his fingers.

He traced his tongue up the side of her neck, turning it into a path of gooseflesh, and sucked at the tender spot behind her ear. He released her right hip and circled his fingers around her stretched throat, only using enough pressure to gauge her response.

He squeezed slightly and her groan vibrated against his palm.

Fuck yeah.

He squeezed her throat a little tighter and, at the same time, she did the same around his dick. He’d like to explore her reaction a little more, to take it even further, but he was playing with fire.

Not with her. But with himself.

He loosened his grip, slid his hand up her slender throat to cup her chin, using it to keep her head arched back, and pushed his thumb into her mouth. She tightened her lips around it and sucked hard.

Fuuuuck. He wasn’t expecting that, either.

His hips stuttered to a stop because he had no choice but to pause.

He needed a second. Or two.

Or, fuck him, five.

With him holding her up by her chin, she could remove one hand from the table. Reaching around to grab his bare ass cheek, she dug her nails into his flesh. The pain she inflicted encouraged him to continue on their path of pleasure.

When he began to move again, her arm wasn’t long enough to keep a good hold and her nails dragged over his flexing ass cheek, marking him like he had wanted to mark her.


He smiled against her neck and still fisting her hair, he shoved her cheek against the table, pinning her there, plunging his thumb in and out of her mouth at the same pace he was plunging his dick into her pussy.

The longer he went, the rougher he got, and he heard not one complaint. She didn’t stop him, either. Instead, her muscles loosened as each stroke hit the end of her. He was no longer worried about being gentle.

“Yes,” she released on a ragged breath around his thumb, then bit him, driving her teeth into his flesh. Not hard enough to break the skin, but hard enough to make his hips stutter once more.