“We need to keep ahead of those hillbilly goat fuckers,” Sig added.

“What are we gonna do about it? Sit on our fuckin’ hands ’til they start shit with us all over again?” Deacon asked.

Trip ripped his black baseball cap off his head, scraped his fingers through his hair and slapped it back on. Even though Dodge wasn’t close, he could see their prez’s jaw popping. It didn’t take much.

“I don’t wanna wait to deal with those fuckers this time. They probably think we called in the fuckin’ feds and they’ll be out for revenge,” Deke continued. “Got my son to worry about now. Cassie and Stella are pregnant. Dyna’s vulnerable as fuck. Daisy’s left unprotected all day at school. So is Jude. What and who we have at risk is higher now than ever.”

“Know that. But we also don’t know if the feds are watchin’ those motherfuckers,” Judge responded to his cousin. “Yeah, we need to protect our women and children, but we also gotta go about it in a way we all ain’t fucked up the ass. And you know what I mean by that. If we all get locked up, then who’s gonna protect them?”

All of the men in that barn knew the women could protect themselves, but Dodge got what Judge was saying. Getting busted for going in and recklessly wiping out the clan would not only break up the club and brotherhood, but would break up families.

“Jet can’t ask the chief for any details on the feds after…” Rook shook his head. “After we all know what fuckin’ went down. But whenever she’s around her family she keeps an ear open for anything new. The Shirleys ain’t a topic of conversation at the Bryson get-togethers. The head pig knows any talk on those goat fuckers will get back to us and he’s tryin’ to avoid that war we thought we were goin’ to have before the feds stepped in.”

“We talked about tippin’ off the feds,” Rev said, “They’d probably like to know that those roaches are scurryin’ up that mountain again.”

Trip dropped his head and scratched the back of his neck. “Like Judge said, they might already know and that could make it more risky for us.”

“Ain’t into helpin’ any pigs, feds or otherwise. Not for somethin’ we can handle ourselves,” Ozzy said next to him.

“Agreed,” Rook said. “Fuck those fuckin’ pigs.”

“Just don’t want those pigs fuckin’ us. Somethin’ they’d do in a hot second if they got the chance,” Judge responded. “Right now, if one of the prospects get caught up there, it’s only trespassin’.”

“Could pick them off as they return,” Shade suggested. “Right now, it’s just the men and they’re returnin’ slowly. Probably to test the waters.”

“Once again, it’ll eventually come down to what to do with their women and children,” Trip reminded them, “even if we start pickin’ off their men one at a time. You know once the Shirley men get shit ready, their women and spawn will be returnin’, too.”

“Fuck those breeders and snot monkeys,” Sig barked. “They’re a threat to our family, then we’re a threat to theirs.”

A few “yeahs” rose around Dodge. He didn’t have an ol’ lady or kids like most of his brothers but he agreed with Sig.

Especially after one of those inbred cunts almost blew off his head with a shotgun when they went to save Dyna. That wasn’t the only time the Shirley clan tried to kill Dodge. He still had a scar on his arm from where a bullet grazed him as they were heading back down the mountain after getting Cage’s baby girl back.

They were lucky none of them were seriously hurt that day or ended up dead.

Fuck those motherfuckers.

“All right, basically tonight was for a quick update and a warnin’. Prospects will continue to monitor the situation and report back. Gonna tell them if they can get any of those men up there alone they got permission to do what they gotta do. After that, Shade,” Trip jerked his head toward the long-haired man, “and Easy can do what they do best.”

Turn trash into ash.

“We still need more fuckin’ prospects,” Ozzy said. “We need numbers on our side.”

“And like dealin’ with the Shirleys, that ain’t an easy fix,” Trip reminded the motel manager.

“Speakin’ of prospects,” Dodge called out, “ain’t it time to vote on Possum and Tater gettin’ their patches?”

“Probably is,” Trip answered with a nod. “Since we’re all here right now let’s get it over with and vote. As you all know, the vote needs to be unanimous.” He scanned the small group of their brothers. “Anyone got objections? If so, shout out now or forever hold your fuckin’ bitchin’.”

“Still need them at Pete’s, though,” Dodge reminded him. “But they’ve been askin’ about it. They’ve been doin’ a good job at the bar and Stella can confirm that.”