When she whispered, “Yes,” relief flooded him and soaked him to his very core.

Why he wanted this woman more than any other he’d been with, he didn’t know. He didn’t understand it at all.

Maybe he wasn’t meant to. It was possible he was only meant to accept it and not question what—or who—the universe put in his path. “Say it again, Syn, louder this time.”

A shudder went through her and he fought to keep from grinning at her reaction.

“Yes,” she just about shouted. “Yes, I looked forward to them, to hearing your voice. To your messages. I looked forward to knowing someone actually cared. So, I’m not going to lie, the answer was, and still is, yes.” As he went to straighten, she grabbed his collar and kept him there. “I also look forward to later. I look forward to trying anything and everything you can teach me. I’m willing to learn it all. And I want to learn it all with you.”

Jesus fuck. His dick was now a steel pipe in his jeans and throbbing as badly as a stubbed pinky toe.

If that conversation he needed to have with Sig and Trip wasn’t so damn important, he’d drag her by her hair back to his truck, go find a dark spot and fuck the shit out of her. After he made her lay across his lap, totally fucking naked as he marked her ass with his palm.

For fuck’s sake, he couldn’t go talk to his brothers with a raging hard-on over Syn. With those fantasies swirling around his brain. With that anticipation. With his fingers itching to mark that perfectly pale skin.

“For however long it lasts,” she added, bringing those thoughts to a screeching halt.

He straightened. “No, Syn. Told you this ain’t a negotiation. Here’s the thing… Once you’re mine, you’re mine. Ain’t gonna be no time limit on that. You get me?”

He took a step back and said nothing as she blinked up at him.

He expected more attitude from her. He sure as fuck didn’t expect compliance.

But that was what he got when she whispered, “Yes, I get you.”

He wasn’t sure what was hotter or what made him harder. Her being agreeable or when she argued.

“Now, wanna get the fuck outta here, but Maya comes first, yeah? So, gonna go take a minute to talk to my brothers and see what we’re gonna do next. Then I’m takin’ you back to my place for your first lesson. You up for that tonight?” If she wasn’t, he’d understand. They had plenty of time to explore new things. To figure out her likes and dislikes. What she was comfortable with and what she wasn’t. To show her what sex could be instead of only what she’d experienced in the past.

When she nodded, he shook his head. “No, need to hear it, Syn. You up for that?” he asked again, wanting her to be sure.


Thank fuck. “Now, before you head over to the bus, want your mouth again. From here on out, your mouth is mine and I want it before we go our separate ways. Every time, Syn, no exceptions. We’ll make this lesson number one. It’s an easy one but important.” Every time she kissed him either in public, or even private, it would remind her who she belonged to.

It would also remind him she was his to take care of. To provide all her needs.

But… she wouldn’t only be his, he would be hers, too.

He would make sure to be clear about that.

If she gave him everything, he’d do the same in return.

He stood in place and made her come to him. When she did, he snaked his arms around her, pulled her against him and planted both palms on her ass, wishing like fuck they were back in his apartment and his hands were on her bare skin instead.

Business first, pleasure later.

The anticipation might kill him but it would be worth it.

When she got up on her tiptoes and brushed her lips over his, he didn’t move. When she pressed them harder against his, he opened his mouth enough to let her tongue inside. It tentatively touched his. The second time their tongues touched, she was more confident.

After the third time, he took over and kissed her until they were both out of breath again.

Good thing he had pulled on boxers, otherwise he might have a fucking wet spot on the front of his jeans from the steady stream of precum leaking from him. “If we weren’t in the middle of a damn snow squall, I might fuck you under the pavilion there.”


“Gonna make somethin’ clear with him, too. He’s gonna have to get used to seein’ you with me.”

“Not like that,” she exclaimed, making him grin.

“Right, not like that,” he agreed with regret. He smacked her ass. “All right. Let me go figure out a game plan.”