
“What the fuck d’you mean ‘for?’ You purposely tryin’ to misunderstand?”

She lifted her chin and that fire was back. The one that had been doused while in Sig’s apartment. He didn’t know what all had been said after he’d gone next door to Deacon’s place, but one thing was for sure, he aimed to find out. Maybe not all of it tonight, but he would hear it all eventually.

“No, what I’m trying to understand is why you’re picking me up.”

“Fuck, woman. If I gotta spell it the fuck out, I will.” He stepped close enough to go boot toe to boot toe with her. “So, listen carefully, only gonna say this once.”

Her eyebrows rose so high they almost touched the cat-eared hood she had pulled up and over her head. The coat she borrowed from Red had been large enough so she could wear her beloved hoodie underneath it.

“Yes, I need you to spell it out.”

“You know it’s fuckin’ snowin’, right?”

She put her hand out, tipped her head toward the fat flakes landing on her open palm. “You think that’s what this is falling from the sky?”

All he saw was that she needed gloves.

“Think you need a goddamn spankin’, that’s what I think.”

Her eyes narrowed, but those lips parted and even in only the distant light from above The Barn’s front door he could see her cheeks had darkened.

Fuck yeah.

A shuddered hiss escaped that mouth he wanted to do so much to.

“You ain’t shiverin’ ‘cause you’re cold, are you?” He closed the tiny gap between them and drove his hands inside her hood and into her hair, tipping her face up as he dropped his.

He claimed that mouth. Right there, standing where anyone could see them, and he didn’t give a fuck. He drove his tongue deep, sweeping every corner. Tasting her. Feeling her soft lips against his.

He wanted those lips wrapped around his cock. He hadn’t had that yet. But tonight…

Tonight, it was going to happen. He fantasized about it every time he’d laid in his bed with her sultry voice in his ear as they talked.

But none of that would happen until he got her back to his place. They needed to wrap up what was going on and get back there. Especially with how fast the snow was falling.

He swallowed her groan and kissed her hard enough to make her do it one more time. When he broke the kiss, he pressed his beanie covered forehead to hers.

For a second, they simply breathed. The opaque fog caused by their rapid panting creating a cocoon around them.

“Listen carefully, Syn,” he warned softly, once he didn’t sound like he’d just finished a hundred-meter sprint.

She nodded but not enough to break their contact.

“Want you.” That part was obvious. But what he said next even surprised himself. “Not a one night fuckin’ fling, either.” Fuck it, he might as well keep going. “Want you in my bed. Wanna teach you shit. Wanna explore shit with you. Want to know every fuckin’ inch of you. Hope you want the same.”

She pulled away and stared up at him. “You mean like permanently in your bed? Or just for the next few days until we get Maya back?”

“You weren’t listenin’.”

“I heard you, Dodge, but… I have daughter.”

“No shit.”

“I mean…”

“What the fuck does that got to do with anythin’?”

“I want to start a life with her. Make up for the time we’ve missed. The band… My music…”

“Got all that. You sayin’ there ain’t room in that life for anyone else?”

“Are you being serious right now?”

She tried to step back, but he grabbed her wrists and held her there. “You think I’m fuckin’ with you?”

“We hardly know each other.”

“That’s easily solved. Wanna know every fuckin’ minute of your life. Wanna know your hopes and fuckin’ dreams. Wanna know what scares you. What’ll make you purr, make you come, make you laugh. Or even just smile. Wanna hear my name on your lips when you come all over me, when you need somethin’ or even when you don’t need a damn thing.”

“Dodge…” she breathed.

“Yeah, baby, just like that.”


“This ain’t a negotiation, either, so don’t think it is.”

“What if I don’t want you the same way?”

“If you don’t, gonna see that as a challenge. But if you say you don’t, also gonna call you a fuckin’ liar. Those nights on the phone with me. Those texts every day. You think I lay around talkin’ on the fuckin’ phone like a horny fourteen-year-old virgin with just anyone? I've never done that before with anyone. Not even at fourteen. So, that should tell you something, Syn. And you’re a fuckin’ liar if you didn’t look forward to them as much as I did.” He leaned closer, pulled her hood away from her ear and put his mouth to it. “Didn’t you?”