“Dodge…” Syn started.

“I think I do. Let me check.” She disappeared down the short hallway to a room at the back.

“You didn’t need to do that,” Syn hissed.

“She won’t mind and you can return it when we get you somethin’ warm. One thing you’ll learn about this club is everyone sticks together. Includin’ the sisterhood.”

“I don’t belong to the sisterhood,” she reminded him.

“The fuck you don’t,” Sig answered before Dodge could.

He stepped in front of her. When he did, Dodge actually moved closer, standing behind her like a brick wall. Sig glanced up at him and then gave him a slight nod but Dodge didn’t move away. He remained standing at her back.

Why Dodge felt the need to do that, she didn’t know. A lot of undertones existed between the group she didn’t understand.

“Thought I did you right. Guess I did you wrong. Gonna make it up to you. Got that?” her brother asked.

Syn nodded and whispered, “And I’m sorry for blaming you. You did the best you could at the time. I can’t blame you for losing me just like I shouldn’t blame myself for losing Maya.”

“You ain’t the only one sorry,” he muttered, then surprised her by pulling her into his arms.

The hug was awkward and stiff between them, but it was a start.

For over five damn years she drowned in frustration and helplessness. Trying not to think about it too often so she could continue on and keep working toward a future where she hoped that she and Maya would be reunited.

Maybe after tonight that frustration and helplessness would end. Maybe tonight would be the turning point she’d been searching for. She hoped to hell that was true.

She also hoped the people now surrounding her would be the army needed at her back like Dodge said.

She shouldn’t get her hopes up. Not yet. She still had a long road ahead.

But at least that road was now paved with good intentions.

Even better, she wasn’t going to travel it alone.

“How soon do you think we can we go and get her?”

“We?” Dodge asked as they headed back toward the skoolie through the snowy winter night. She now wore a warm coat Autumn let her borrow.

Her brother’s ol’ lady had hugged her, too, on their way out the door. Hers was warm and encompassing, unlike Sig’s. And Syn had done her best not to let tears fall while they did it.

Years of tears had gotten her nowhere. Only action would.

And if Dodge thought she wasn’t going with them when they went to get Maya back, he would have a huge fight on his hands. “Yes, we.”

“Don’t know. How ‘bout you go back to the bus and get your guys up to speed with whatever you wanna tell them, while I head over to the house to talk with Sig and Trip?”

“Then you’ll come tell me what the plan is?” She was struggling to keep up with him since her shorter legs were no match for his much longer ones. For some reason, he seemed to be in a rush.

“Not sure if a plan will be made in Trip’s kitchen or we’ll have to get everyone together first. But yeah, will come get you after.”

“I didn’t say come get me.”

“Heard what you said. You also heard what I said.”

Damn. She put on the brakes. Why did his bossiness both thrill and annoy her?

Several long strides later, Dodge also stopped and glanced over his shoulder at her. “Problem?” he asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“Yes. I appreciate everything you’ve done and everything you plan on doing…”

“But?” he prodded, turning to face her. The falling snow creating a lace curtain between them. It was much heavier now than earlier and seemed to be quickly turning into a winter storm.

“But I’m not sure what to do with this.”

He closed the gap between them, tipping his face down to hers. She stared at the snowflakes caught on his thick, black eyelashes and watched as they melted to drops of water.

She wanted to touch them with the tip of her tongue.

“Do with what?”

She shook herself mentally. “With this.” She waved her hand in the narrow gap he’d left between them.

“Just what the fuck d’you need to figure out?”

“Why you’re coming to get me instead of coming to talk to me after you’re done with Sig and Trip.”

“Shouldn’t be any fuckin’ confusion.”

“Dodge. If I wasn’t fucking confused, I wouldn’t be bringing it up.”

That attitude was back.

Dodge stood staring at her as her tongue swept over her bottom lip in the cold, in the dark, with the storm picking up around them at a quick pace.

At least she now had a fucking decent coat on her back.

“No confusion. You’re gonna continue headin’ to the bus, talk to your guys while I go talk to mine. When I’m done, gonna pick you up in my truck. Be ready.”