I smile at Colin as he continues escorting me through the crowd, toward a closet where he apparently stowed his suitcase. “Thanks for helping me out with Luke. He always comes straight for me.”

“Not my first time at this particular rodeo, sis,” Colin says. “I used to do the same thing for Caitlyn and Chiara, once I got big enough to pass as their boyfriend.”

Seriously? That’s three rapid-fire references to Colin thinking of me as his little sister in the space of as many minutes! Okay, Colin, I get the message, loud and clear.

Several people stop Colin on our way to grab his bag, so it takes us a while to get to our destination. But, eventually, we’re able to collect Colin’s suitcase and make our way outside and into the parking lot, just in time to see Luke getting into my brother’s car, along with Logan’s future wife, Kennedy, who’s sitting in his passenger seat.

Colin and I wave at the trio as Logan’s car passes, and the minute they’re gone, Colin says, “Does Logan have any idea he’s got a monster in his backseat?”

I chuckle. “I wouldn’t call Luke a monster. More like an annoying, clueless blowhard. At Thanksgiving last year, he sat next to me and talked my ear off about cryptocurrency the entire meal.”

“A fate worse than death.”

“It was. But to answer your question, no, I don’t think Logan has noticed Luke flirting with me. If so, he hasn’t said a word about it to me.” I gesture to my car a few feet away. “That’s me. You want to put your bag in the trunk?”

“Thanks.” We stow Colin’s garment bag and head to our respective sides of the car, at which point Colin says, “Even if Luke’s not a monster, he’s most definitely a flaming asshole.”

“Nah. He doesn’t mean any harm. He’s just terrible at reading social cues.”

Colin opens the door on his side of the car. “No. Only a flaming asshole would even think of hitting on his best friend’s little sister—let alone, follow through on the impulse.” With that, Colin slides into my car, leaving me staring at the space his handsome face filled a moment ago, my spirit thudding into my toes.

“Wompity womp womp,” I whisper to myself, before exhaling and slipping into my car. So much for my silly fantasies, huh? Colin couldn’t have made himself any clearer: I’m a little sister to him. With exactly zero hope of ever becoming more.



I burst out laughing, yet again. The same thing I’ve done ten times in as many minutes during this car ride to the restaurant. I don’t know why I’m surprised Amy O’Brien as an adult is hilarious, considering how much she always made me laugh as a kid. In fact, sitting here with Amy in her small car now, listening to her talk while studying her various funny facial expressions, I feel like no time has passed since our years together on Cedar Street. Except, of course, for those perfect tits she’s now sporting.

I’m a monster for noticing those mouthwatering beauties. Surely, I’m going to hell for all the little peeks I’ve stolen of them during this short drive. But, come on, how could I not peek at them? If they were attached to anyone else but Logan’s little sister, I’d already have hit on Amy, hard, with the intention of getting those perfect beauties out of that push-up bra and straight into my hungry mouth, as soon as possible. In fact, the minute I laid eyes on Amy in the church, before I knew who she was, I thought, “Here’s hoping that Uber driver was right about bridesmaids being hella horny.”


I cringe at my inner dialog, even as I’m sneaking yet another inappropriate peek at Amy’s cleavage.

“And, lo and behold,” Amy is saying, making me realize I’ve been tuning her out while admiring her tits. “When I walked into that greenroom, the big boss himself, Reed Rivers, was on a couch with her—in the middle of giving her enthusiastic oral sex!”

“Wait, go back a bit,” I say, realizing I missed the first part of Amy’s story because I was staring at her tits. “I got distracted by the . . . pretty view of the skyline.”

Amy looks out her driver’s side window. “Oh, yeah, it is pretty.” She returns her attention to the road. “No worries. I was saying Caleb wasn’t subtle about his attraction to that music reporter. But when she disappeared somewhere backstage right before RCR was supposed to go on, Caleb ordered me to go find her and make sure she was coming to an after-party as his personal guest.” Amy snorts and rolls her eyes. “Mind you, this was only day two of the tour—the day after I’d spilled hot coffee onto Caleb’s lap—so, I was bound and determined to find the reporter and deliver his message. But when I found the reporter, she was in a green room getting eaten out by Reed Rivers!”