“But not Logan and Kennedy.”

“We both agreed to the terms of this arrangement.”

“Did we? My memory is you demanded that condition of me and I took what you were offering.”

“Amy, come on. I told you what a pressure cooker this situation would be for me, if our families knew about us. I told you how the weight of their expectations would make things way too intense, too fast.”

“You didn’t say any of that.”

“I did. But if not, let me tell you this little nugget now: my mother has expressly informed me she’s always wanted Beretta-O’Brien grandbabies!”

My mouth hangs open as my heart lurches with glee. The tortured look on Colin’s face tells me his shocking revelation wasn’t meant to enthrall me, as it has. Quite the opposite. But I don’t care. His mother has always dreamed of Colin and me getting together? Hot damn, that’s an incredible thing to find out! A huge compliment! Well, momma always knows best, I think, my eyebrow cocked. But I’m not brave enough—or maybe stupid enough—to say it.

“Okay, never mind about that,” Colin says, reacting to whatever he’s seeing on my face. “That was meant to freak you out, the same way it freaks me out.”

“I’m freaked out,” I assure him. But even I can hear the lie in my tone. “Whatever,” I say quickly. “Let’s go back to your ‘gut feeling’ about Seth. Let’s pretend you’re right and he’d try to fuck me six ways from Sunday in Hawaii.”

“He would.”

“Okay, even if you’re right about that, which you’re not, give me one good reason why I shouldn’t say yes to a no-strings arrangement with him, the same way I’ve said yes to one to you?” I’ve bowled him over with that comment. And I love it. I forge ahead. “Why wouldn’t I jump into a fun little fling with Seth Rockford in paradise? He’s a handsome, dashing—"

“He could be your father!”

“Yeah, and I’ve got daddy issues! We’re a match made in heaven.”

“Amy, for fuck’s sake!”

“Seth is divorced, right? And I’m a single girl. So, what would be the harm in having a little fling with a rich, handsome movie star?”

Colin’s breathing fire. But the fucker says nothing. Does he know I’m bluffing? Is that why he’s able to keep himself from begging me not to go? Or does he simply not care enough about me to ask me to stay?

I’m suddenly enraged. Even if Colin knows I’m bluffing, so what? Is it too much to ask for him to say he can’t stand the thought of Seth, or anyone else, touching me? Doesn’t he know I’d throw myself at his feet and declare my undying love for him, if only he’d say that?




Colin does realize I’d do that, which is exactly why he’s not saying any of it.

Shit! This gorgeous, infuriating asshole is dancing through raindrops! Having his cake and eating it, too! He wants all the benefits of my fawning adoration without any of the responsibilities or commitments on his end!

I rise from the couch and pace Colin’s living room, wracked by anger. “You don’t want me enough to tell Logan and Kennedy about us,” I huff out, “but you don’t want anyone else to have me, either? Well, screw that! You can’t have it both ways. Either what we’re doing is no-strings and I’ll be single when this week is over—which means you have exactly zero say in what or who I do after this week—or I’m your girlfriend and you’re an asshole for not telling our families about me!”

Colin’s chest heaves. “It’s not that black and white. We’ve been doing this for less than a week, Amy! If we tell our families what’s been going on, they’ll start planning our wedding—and that’s not an exaggeration.” He shakes his head. “I’m not ready for that. Not even close. Are you?”

Of course, I am, you stupid man! Don’t you realize I’m the creeper who’s loved you my whole fucking life? That I already know for a fact, sadly, that I’ll never want anyone else the way I want you? That’s what I’m thinking as I stare into Colin’s stupid, tortured face. But wild horses couldn’t make me say any of it. In fact, I’d sooner die than admit that pathetic truth to him. It’s hard enough admitting it to myself.

Using all my strength not to burst into tears, I open my mouth and tell the biggest lie of my life: “Of course, I’m not ready for that. I’m only twenty-three.”

Colin’s shoulders soften. He exhales from the depths of his soul. “Okay, good. All I’m asking is that you promise me, if you wind up working on the production after I’m done, you won’t let them assign you to Seth. It’s a simple request.”

I scoff. “Request denied. I absolutely do not promise you that.”