“I’m still figuring out my dreams,” I say softly.

“That’s understandable,” Colin replies. “You’re still young. It’s a big deal you figured out you don’t want to go to law school. Figuring out the stuff you don’t want to do gets you that much closer to what you do.”

I try to force air deep into my lungs, but it’s not possible. “I think working for you this week will go a long way toward helping me figure things out. Thank you again.”

“It’s nothing. My pleasure. As long as we’re being honest, I didn’t ask you to work for me, only as a favor to you. I’m also getting something out of it. You have a way of making me feel relaxed and calm, like nobody else, Ames. And that’s the kind of energy I want to surround myself with this week.”

“I’m glad to be able help you. I’d do anything for you. Always. All you have to do is ask.”

Colin arches an eyebrow. “Is that so?”

A grin unleashes across my face at his sexual tone. “Absolutely.”

“Well, in that case . . .” Colin smiles lasciviously, confirming what I sensed a moment ago: he’s suddenly feeling hella horny. His dark eyes blazing, Colin motions to my empty plate. “You want more?”

I shake my head. “It was delicious.”

“And so is your pussy.” With that, he rises from the kitchen table and grabs our two plates, revealing the unmistakable outline of an erection bulging behind his sweatpants.

“Well, hello, sir,” I say playfully, my eyes trained on Colin’s hard-on, and he chuckles in reply. Wordlessly, he rinses our dishes in the sink and places them into his gleaming dishwasher. But finally, he turns to face me, and says, “It’s time, Amy O’Brien—time for you to experience The Sure Thing.”



After carrying Amy over my shoulder from my kitchen, I hurl her down onto my bed like a hunter tossing down his haul and she squeals excitedly. Man, she’s easy to please. So fucking fun.

“A few ground rules,” I say, sliding my fingertip underneath her chin while trying to keep my face stern and commanding. “As I’ve said before, your job is to do nothing except react, honestly. No faking. No performing. Understand?”

Amy nods enthusiastically, looking like she’s gripping an electric fence, and it takes all my restraint not to burst into laughter at her adorable facial expression.

“Good girl,” I manage to say calmly, even though this girl is making my spirit soar and my dick pulse. “I don’t want to hear a single sound from you that isn’t one hundred percent authentic. I need to be able to read your body and cues. That’s how I’ll know when it’s time to do the next thing. You’ll mess me up if you’re putting on a show for me. Do you understand?”

She nods like a bobblehead and breathes out, “Yes.”

My heart is palpitating. As excited as I am to get going, I’m feeling a bit nervous here. How else to explain this first-time-ever speech I’ve given? Normally, I jump right in, no instructions given. But this is a unique situation. The first time I’ll be doing this technique on a woman who not only knows about its existence, in advance, but has also watched Keane’s motherfucking video providing step-by-step instructions. That’s a huge disadvantage for me, since the element of surprise is a critical ingredient to making the technique work like gangbusters. The Sure Thing works best when the woman your fingering is wondering, “What the fuck is he doing to me?” Not, “Oh, I thought it’d feel better than that.”

Plus, the dirty-talk component of the technique is all fucked up for me now. Besides being hot and always a good idea, a constant flow of whispered words is supposed to keep a woman from thinking too much. It gets her out of her head. Which, in turn, helps her relax enough for my fingers to work their magic on her.

But now, thanks to me drunkenly babbling to Amy about The Sure Thing like an idiot, she not only knows to expect dirty talk during this technique, but she’s also most likely going to grade me on my performance the whole time. Maybe she’ll think, “Huh. I expected the dirty-talk to be so much hotter than that!” And that right there would be enough of a distraction to keep her from getting into the necessary mindset for the magic to work.

“I’ll do everything you say,” Amy says, staring up at me from the bed. And she’s so damned hot in this moment, so eager, I forget my predicament and lean down to kiss her.

When our tongues meet and begin dancing, Amy’s body jolts and jerks like I’m licking her clit. I suddenly realize my worries aren’t rational. I can make this work for her, whether she’s seen that video or not, as long as I switch things up from the video enough to keep her guessing.