The first chorus ends and Dax shouts, “Take it away, Fish Tacoooo!” And Matthew Fishberger next to him leans into his microphone, without missing a beat on his bass guitar, and begins serenading his love, Alessandra, with the second verse.

I remember seeing Fish singing lead vocals on this song in a recent viral video, recorded during a charity concert in a huge arena, but getting to see him doing it here, in a small, intimate setting, for a hundred people in a hotel ballroom rather than for thousands at Madison Square Garden, is making me swoon, yet again. Hard.


I’ve got to get this swooning reflex under control. This is ridiculous.

But it’s no use. I’m feeling physically dizzy in response to the romance I’m observing all around me. Logan and Kennedy. Dax and Violet. Fish and Alessandra.

A deep-seated yearning overtakes me. And then, anxiety that I’m not lovable or attractive enough to get to have what they all do someday. Will I ever find true love in this lifetime? Will someone ever swoon for me the way I swoon for them?

Why’d the sweet boy who grew up next door to me have to grow up to become an actual rockstar—so freaking successful and unattainable, I’d have to be delusional to think he might ever want me, the way I want him?

The crowd around me applauds uproariously as “Fireflies” ends. But I’m too wracked by my racing thoughts to move or react. Why didn’t a single crew member even flirt with me, during the tour? Why didn’t I feel sparks with Perry when we made love? Why can’t I jump into meaningless hookups, like all my friends do? What’s wrong with me?

“Ally, you wanna perform ‘Smitten’ for a live audience, for the first time?” Fish says, grinning down at his girlfriend on the dance floor.

Apparently, Alessandra has signaled she’s game, because as the other musicians, including Colin and Dax, begin exiting the stage, Fish reaches down and pulls her onto the stage next to him. As the crowd applauds excitedly, Fish grabs two acoustic guitars—one for him and one for his love—before returning to his microphone.

“Ally and I wrote this duet called ‘Smitten’ for her upcoming debut album. It’s releasing in a couple weeks.” He smiles at the happy couple. “Congrats, Logan and Kennedy. This one’s for you.”

Colin appears at my shoulder as Fish begins strumming onstage. But before anyone has started singing, Colin leans into me and says, “This is gonna be a huge hit for Ally. Mark my words.”

Fish stops strumming. “Oh, hey. Will you guys do me a favor? Record this on your phones and post it everywhere? Let’s get some buzz going for my girl’s debut!”

Everyone in the audience who happens to have their phone handy immediately takes them out, happy to oblige Fish’s sweet request, while Ally thanks the crowd.

As Fish did before her, Ally leans into her microphone and addresses the happy couple at the foot of the stage. “After witnessing your love today, there’s no doubt this song is about you, every bit as much as it’s about Fish and me. Congrats!”

As the crowd applauds, Fish resumes his strumming. And a moment later, Ally leans into her mic, beams a gorgeous smile at her boyfriend, and starts singing the song, before soon being joined by Fish:

Oooh I . . .

I love you ever so much, much

I’m living for your every touch, touch

And your every kiss . . . is . . . bliss

Oooh I . . . I love your big blue eyes, love

I’m living for your every smile, love

And your every kiss, kiss, kiss

Every day with you I’m smitten

Every day I have a crush

Feelin’ infatuated.

Every day I’m so in love!

It’s loooove!

I’m so in love with youuuu!

Just like the sky is bluuuuue!

You’re my first. My last. My best. My only.


Don’t want no one but youuuuuu!

Because this love is true!

Can’t get enough of you

You’re my first, my last, I’ll be smitten, always

[Click here to listen to Fish and Alessandra perform an acoustic version of their song, “Smitten.”]

As Fish and Alessandra reach the end of their first chorus, tears flood my eyes. I wipe my cheek, angry with myself. But I can’t keep more tears from falling, no matter how hard I try. I want what Fish and Alessandra are singing about! And I want it with Colin. But if I can’t have that—and I know I can’t—then I want it with someone. And in this moment, I don’t have a whole lot of hope that will ever be in the cards for me, if the tour was any indication of my ability to attract members of the opposite sex.

As a torrent of tears springs from my eyes, I press the back of my hand against my forehead—because alcohol always turns me into the main character in a period-piece melodrama—and then bolt through the crowded dance floor toward a pair of French doors at the back of the ballroom.