I nodded, shooting a sideways glance in Corey’s direction. “Yes.”

“I’m glad,” replied Brody, his face lit with a strange new excitement. “But it’s not nearly as much fun as you’re going to have,” he said smugly. “Starting right… about…”

He thumbed a button on something that looked like a remote car starter, only smaller.



My stomach dropped. My whole body jolted. I jumped so hard my knees slammed into the underside of the table, as my pussy was suddenly throbbing with all new heat, and warmth.

The balls inside me were vibrating.



My eyes crossed. My legs too. The thrumming was coming from deep inside me, producing a steady vibration that spread pleasantly outward, against my already-swollen clit.

“Hmmm…” Corey mused, his face split with a wicked smile. “Think she likes it?”

“Not sure,” Brody answered. “This is the lowest setting though, so we can always—”

My arm shot out and grabbed his wrist. “What? No!”

“Okay, okay,” he laughed, putting his hands up. “I’m kidding…”

I tried half-heartedly to take the remote, but he pulled away. I could only sit back numbly, to enjoy the vibrations.

“Relax,” Brody told me reassuringly. “You’re gonna have fun with this.”

I was already aroused by what we’d done in the men’s room, but this took things to all new levels. My panties were still warm and soaked through, and now my whole pussy was humming against them.

“Oh my God…” I breathed.

“Don’t fight it,” Corey whispered huskily into my ear. “Go with it. Try crossing your legs, and—”

I was already way ahead of him. By crossing my legs and bearing down, I could almost direct the vibrations to where I wanted them. And where I wanted them was the tender, sensitive area, just north of my clit…


I could feel pulses now. Intermittent high-to-low oscillations, as Brody changed the setting.

Oh wow…

My body went limp. My head lolled back against the cushioned booth, as everything else in the place was relegated to a low, background noise.

Corey’s hand slid up my dress again. He cupped me firmly, applying three fingers of firm pressure right where I needed it most. He pushed down, against the vibrations, even as I clenched my ass, thrusting my hips up…


I came hard, screaming into Brody’s outstretched hand. Grinding myself against the other hand Corey had pinned between my thighs, using it as a scratching post to satisfy that ultimate, most glorious itch.

The constant vibration made everything more intense, my contractions that much more powerful. I could feel the beads shifting again, as I bit down on Brody’s hand. I slammed the table with one of my palms, causing a fork to clatter loudly against one of the plates.

If anyone else in the place noticed, no one said a word. I continued writhing against Corey’s outstretched hand for another full minute or so, enjoying the aftershocks as they lapped deliciously against my brain. Then I melted limply backwards, looking as if I’d been poured into my seat.

A button clicked. The beads stopped. I felt so incredibly warm and numb down there, but also wholly and completely sated.