
It was like being vied for. Fought over by two perfect men, each hellbent on having me for his own. Corey’s kisses were slow. Thunderous. His grip on my body, firm and possessive.

On the other side I could feel Brody’s fingers, inching their way further up the inside of my thigh. He was beneath my skirt now. He had to be. Just by the feel of his skin against mine, I could tell he—

All of sudden the two of them pulled back, just as abruptly as they’d come together. I was left breathless and gasping. My eyes half-lidded with pure, unadulterated lust.


I shook my head to clear it. It was like coming out of a trance, or maybe a dream. “Yes?”

“It looks like you’ve had your drink.”

I followed Brody’s pointing finger. The only thing left in my wine glass was a small splotch of red, clinging to the bottom.

Apparently my time was up.

“We like you, Lauren,” he said simply. “You’re laid back, you’re funny, you’re beautiful. And if you don’t mind me saying so, you’re sexy as fuck.”

I could still taste them in my mouth. Still feel the touch of their hands… the strength of their fingers, roaming to claim my body.

“We want you,” said Corey. “Every part of you.” His brown eyes flashed dangerously in the lounge’s dim light. “But the next step is up to you.”

All around us people were laughing, drinking, talking. Doing just about anything except paying attention to what had just happened in our booth.

They rose on either side of me, bringing me up along with them. My heart was still hammering away, only now that I’d made my decision it seemed to be stuck in my throat.

“Let’s go then,” I said, pulling them each by one hand. “We’re wasting time.”



It wasn’t enough that she was drop-dead gorgeous, but she had this innocence about her too. An inherent sexiness that came from secretly wanting something this taboo, and wanting it so very badly.

She was alone, I could tell. Alone and lonely in a big, bright, far away city. We’d seen that often enough, with most of the others. Even the ones who turned out to be wildly enthusiastic still had inhibitions that needed to be stripped away.

But this one…

This one was different. I knew it right away. She was walking the knife’s edge between living out her fantasy and slipping away for good, only to run home and regret for the rest of her life what she never got to do.

Plus, I really liked this one. Much more than I even wanted to admit.

Hell, I liked her a lot.

Physically, she was an absolute knockout — everything I’d ever looked for in a woman. She was lithe and beautiful. Womanly curves, in all the right places. We’d known all this last night, from the photos. They’d gotten us more than a little excited.

But then we’d seen her in person, and she was even more gorgeous. Full pink lips on a pretty face, with emerald green eyes over a strong Italian nose. Her long ringlets of curly blonde hair cascaded all the way down to the sexy little depression in the small of her back. And when she smiled…

Well, when she smiled that adorable girl-next-door smile, I’d just about melted. I knew right then I was in trouble. The funny part was, I could see it in Corey’s eyes too. He was in just as deep as I was.

We decided as she sat at the bar that we had to have her. That no matter what we did, we couldn’t screw this one up.

You’re out of your mind though, kissing her right there in the lounge like that.

It was a rule we’d kept unbroken… at least until now. No action until we got upstairs. Doing stuff in public could be very intimidating, and the last thing we wanted to do was scare her away.

And yet, for some reason I didn’t think Lauren would scare easily. She was braver than most. Certainly wittier, and sharper when it came to telling us exactly what she wanted.