My eyes were still closed when I felt the car slide to a smooth stop. Doors opened on either of side me. My lovers got out.

Ah, crap.

There was nothing to do but grin and bear it. My shoes were already off. I didn’t bother to put them on as I stepped from the car, determined to humor them this one last time.

“This had better be good,” I said. “In fact, I—”

The guys were all huddled around the window of a small storefront, peering in. Which didn’t make sense because it was mostly dark inside.

“Here,” said Brody. “Check this out.”

I stepped forward, still thoroughly confused. We were in a more quiet part of town now. The streets were clean and well-lit, but there weren’t nearly as many people.

Corey and Mason shifted aside as I stepped to the window myself. Cupping my hands on either side of my head I peered in… and saw the shadows of a big, empty space.

“What are we looking at?” I asked.

“Potentially, your new office.”

I squinted another few seconds before the words took hold.

“My new… what?”

“Your office,” said Brody. “The place you’ll run your new business. Build your new empire.”

“Take over the whole fucking world,” grinned Mason. “You know, if that’s your thing.”

I looked again. My office? Here?

I was still in shock.

“You remember the words on our flyer?” asked Corey. “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?”

Finally, I turned away from the window. Staring back at the three of them, I nodded numbly.

“Well we want you to stay in Vegas. With us.”



It was overwhelming, even if it hadn’t fully hit me yet. My eyes glassed over. I started to cry.

“Hey, hey…” Brody ran forward, sweeping me into his arms. He was joined immediately by the others. “What’s wrong?”

“I— I never thought…”

“That we’d want you here? With us?”

“Of course we want you,” said Corey. “Haven’t you figured it out by now? Lauren, we love you.”


The impact of the word shattered everything. It destroyed the last of my inhibitions. Paved over any excuses that happened to be floating to mind.

But I had to be sure. I needed to hear it.

“You love me?” I asked, shifting my eyes left to right, to be sure I addressed all of them. “As in love me, love me?”