“Rose petals??

?? I purred, melting into him. “Wow. You guys went all out.”

Mason pulled me into the room without bothering to kick the door closed. If they others wanted to watch, they would certainly watch.

“Sorry, it’s pretty standard I know,” he laughed. “Contrary to what the romcoms would have you believe, there aren’t all that many moves in the Guy’s Playbook.”

I began slowly unbuttoning his shirt. Halfway through I stopped to run my hand inside, to feel the warmth and strength of his incredible chest.

“Don’t be sorry,” I told him. “This is always a good one.”

I kissed him softly, tenderly, our bodies stiffening and responding excitedly to each other. My tongue probed his perfect mouth, finding his with an arousing sigh.

“Besides, no one’s ever done this for me before,” I admitted. “I’ve barely gotten roses, much less rose petals.”

Mason blinked in surprise. “Really?”

With hands that roamed, I unbuckled his belt. Then, with a devious smile, I dropped to my knees and pulled his zipper down with my teeth.

“Really,” I said, nuzzling his crotch.

Already there was a knot in his boxer-briefs. A wonderfully, beautifully familiar knot…

“Well then the guys you’ve dated have all been bat-shit crazy,” he murmured, his voice going tight with lust.

“Almost exclusively,” I chuckled, pulling his boxers down and closing my mouth over him.



Dinner was delicious — linguine with meat-sauce, and warm, freshly-baked bread. I was absolutely ravenous, and devoured everything in sight. This was mostly because I hadn’t eaten since breakfast, but it didn’t hurt that I’d spent forty-five minutes in the bedroom with Mason, working up an appetite.

The sex was amazing, and loving too. We went at it hard and fast, to get the kinks and cobwebs out, before slowing down into something more romantic and sensual. In the end we were slow-kissing for what seemed like forever, breathing each other’s every breath, rocking our bodies back and forth with Mason’s throbbing manhood buried way up inside me.

He told me how much he missed me, right before he came, and throughout his entire shuddering orgasm I raked my nails down his broad, muscular back. I whispered in his ear that I missed him even more, and that ever since I left Vegas I could barely wait to see him again.

That accomplished, we dined and toasted being together again. I told the guys all about my morning, starting with my meeting with Jack Garfield and his surprise guest Lilith. Everyone thought I was crazy for not going off on my ex-boss right then and there, and even crazier for even suggesting she should have her job back. But they were proud of me standing my ground. Not taking my old job back, and still sticking to my original plan of entrepreneurial independence.

When dinner was finished everything was dumped in the sink and I was ushered into the shower. The guys left me disappointedly unmolested there, and then I was dressed, freshened up, and whisked out the front door in a whirlwind blur.

My head was spinning from all the travel, the jet-lag, and now the sex. Not to mention a bellyful of Italian food and wine. I could’ve waited until tomorrow to see the club, but the guys couldn’t. Brody and Corey were simply too eager to show it off. To let me experience the place firsthand, after having seen so many photos and videos of the many changes they’d made.

The Underground was every bit as incredible as they’d made it out to be, and then some. My guys walked the place like proud fathers, showing me every tiny thing, every far-flung corner of the bustling nightclub before pulling me out onto the dance floor for a little repeat of the last time I was in town. I danced with them, grinding on them, kissed them shamelessly in front of everyone. Halfway through the night I got a second wind, and we practically closed the place before we were all ready to leave.

“Take me home,” I purred sexily from the backseat of Mason’s car. I had Corey and Brody sitting on either side of me, my two hands busy between their legs.

“In a little while,” Mason called back. “We’ve got one more stop first.”

“That stop had better be a hotel then,” I promised. “Because I need you… all of you.”

“You’ll have us,” Corey chuckled. “Just—”

“No, I need you now,” I pleaded, feeling suddenly hornier than I’d ever been in my life. “I want to ride you guys tonight — up and down, nice and deep. Just lay you all back on the bed, side by side…” I took Corey’s finger into my mouth and sucked on it. “Grind down on you with my pussy until you’re all the way inside me. Shift my body back and forth until you can’t take it anymore, then switch to the next guy… and the next…”

By now Brody was kissing my neck, dragging his lips slowly up and down between my shoulder and my ear. I was losing it fast.

“Easy,” Corey warned his friend. “We’re almost there.”