I shrugged, not wanting to run down the stronger people Fallon Radovic represented. Mostly for reasons of intimidation on Mason’s part, but also because I didn’t want to brag. Nathaniel had no problem bragging though. He cheerfully rattled off a laundry list of instantly recognizable names, including a half-dozen A-list actors and actresses.

Sitting beside me, Corey whistled long and low. “Wow, bro.”

“Yeah, no shit,” said Brody, elbowing Mason.

I could tell he was getting excited. We were getting excited for him.

“And I guess Lauren’s taking over your publicity, right?” Nathaniel eventually asked.

I froze… but only for a moment. It wasn’t something I’d thought about, or was angling for, or—

“He’ll get someone here I’m sure,” I said quickly. “After all, I’m clear on the other side of the country.”

“So?” laughed Nathaniel. “You work all kinds of promotion for me. You’ve landed me key interviews, brought me and the club all kinds of recognition. Hell, you’ve made me so much money—”

“So what about it?” asked Mason, poking me.

“What about what?”

“Tell me you’ll be my publicist.”

They were all looking at me now, even Nathaniel. They sat there eagerly. Expectantly.

“I… I guess I could do it until you found someone local,” I said. “Maybe take over your social media accounts for a little while. Show you the basics of what you ought to be doing.”

“Forget about local,” said Mason, batting his movie-star eyelashes my way. “I want you. You’re my girl.”

My girl.

The way he said those two little words made my breath catch in my throat.

“Of course she’ll take care of you bro,” Nathaniel boomed. He rose from his chair and clapped Mason on the back so hard he almost fell out of his seat. “She’s the best!”

My friend hugged me again, nearly cracking my ribs in the process. “Next time I’m coming out by you,” he said jovially, dropping his napkin to the table. “You’ll do me the favor, and I’ll pay for lunch.”

“Dinner,” I pushed with a smile. “You’re not getting off that cheap and easy.”


After a round of parting handshakes, I saw Nathaniel out. He disappeared quickly into the crowd of Hollywood locals and visiting tourists, no small feat for a man his size. By the time I returned to the table, Brody and Corey were both looking down at a phone.

I had a sudden thought… and my heart sank.

“What is it?” Mason asked, as I dropped heavily into my chair.


“That’s a bullshit answer and you know it.”

“Seriously,” I said, painting my face with a forced smile. “It’s totally nothing.”

Corey and Brody finished whatever they were doing and looked up. When they caught my eye, recognition dawned.

“Oh,” Brody said. “I get it.”

Mason shook his head in frustration. “Well then someone let me in on it, because I have no idea what—”

“She thinks we’re still fielding calls,” explained Corey. “From the flyer.”