“Are you trying to get rid of me?”

“Rid of you?” I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her against me. “Are you kidding?”

I could smell her now, freshly showered. Like raspberry body wash, or maybe watermelon. God, she was beautiful.

“Let me show you what happens if you stay…”

I kissed her, right there in the middle of nowhere. Right there with the sun beaming down on us, my hands exploring their way over the curve of her hips. My fingers crawling their way around her back…

Lauren kissed me back, nibbling playfully at my lower lip as our tongues clashed. It was molten… sizzling. A smoldering kiss on a scorching hot day. But beyond all her strength and bravado, I could feel the slightest hint of her body… trembling adorably beneath my touch.

“So now that I’m staying…” she finally murmured, her emerald eyes flashing in the desert sun. “What are you going to do with me?”

Just behind her, I saw the others. I had no clue how long they’d been standing there, but they stood with their arms folded, and big smiles on their faces.

“What aren’t we going to do with you?” Corey quipped.



Three days. Four nights. That’s how long we stayed out in the desert together.

It was the best three days of my life.

Originally I’d been afraid of being an extra. That the guys would go on doing their guy things, and I’d be left tagging along, feeling out of the loop. That maybe staying out in the desert during ‘guy week’ might’ve been more of a mistake than a fun time.

Of course, it was just the opposite.

For one, they guys made me the center of attention. They were thoughtful. Kind. Sweet. They took care of me in every possible way, and were sure to include me on everything they did.

And that meant everything.

They cooked dinner for me on the first night, and it was fun watching them fight their way through each other in the kitchen. I learned they were competitive. That each of them wanted to be the best, to serve the best food, to basically ‘win’ when it came to whatever we were doing. And thankfully, that extended to the bedroom as well.

Each night I stayed in a different bed, with a different ‘boyfriend’. They’d taken to calling themselves that, at least for now. Declaring that, for the entire week, I’d have three boyfriends instead of none.

Needless to say, I was more than a little okay with that.

All day we played and had fun. Each night was even more fun. I was taken, again and again, both individually and together. Double and even triple-teamed by them, all over the house, in every room, on every piece of furniture. I’d wake up in bed to find a lover between my legs, screwing me wetly, eliciting orgasm after orgasm.

You’d think I’d be begging for sleep, but instead I was begging for more. I couldn’t get enough of them. The more they took me the more I wanted them, and the dirtier things got, the more I wanted to do for them as well.

The strangest part was how it felt like a relationship. Like I really did have three boyfriends, and they really did love me. Each of them was as polite, respectful, funny, and cool as I’ve ever wanted a guy to be. And in the bedroom…

In the bedroom they were totally relentless. All three of them were unapologetically horny for me, taking me in ways that ranged from wondrously romantic to filthy hot. Everything we did ran the full gamut of emotions for me, also. Sometimes they made love to me slowly, leisurely. Kissing me with feeling and passion, while looking deep into my eyes. But other times…

Other times they made me their wanton little slut. They enjoyed taking me. Using me. Finishing inside me, or all over me, only to flip me over or spin me around so the next one of them could have a turn. It was during those sessions I came the hardest, realizing I loved every dripping second of being dominated by them. That in giving myself over so completely, so totally, I could let go of every last inhibition. That I could trust them to take care of me… which they always did.

Mason was a bit nervous at first, about the no protection thing. But Brody assuaged him. “It’s okay,” he’d smiled. “We talked this over, remember? She’s on the pill.”

“She’d better be on three pills,” Mason swore.

When we weren’t screwing or showering or eating, we were doing other things too. They’d been telling the truth about the dune buggies; we actually did ride them, and it was absolutely exhilarating tearing over the beautiful desert hills. It was more dangerous than anything I’d done in my life, but again it came down to trust. They were strangers, but they also weren’t. Sometimes it even felt like we’d known each other months and years, rather than days and hours.

The guys also took me back into town one night, to walk the strip together. Arm in arm in arm, we had drinks, grabbed some food, even gambled a little at the roulette wheel. Then saw one of those breathtaking acrobatic shows together, that had my hands covering my mouth the whole time.

It was touristy, I knew. Maybe laughably so. But I appreciated them suffering through it with me, knowing I’d never had those experiences. And I rewarded them each with blowjobs, switching through all three seats on the ride back out into the desert.