“That was a business trip,” Lauren practically sneered. She was holding back, I could tell. But not much. “So what if I brought Rob? He paid his own way. I saw him on my own time, not the—”

She turned to look back at me, then made a gun with her fingers and pretended to blow her brains out. I threw back my head and laughed, causing her to laugh back, silently.

“No, I don’t want to talk about it. It’s personal. That’s all you need to know.”

Was it selfish of us, to ask her to stay? I didn’t think so. Then again, we’d never done this with anyone… ever. It had nothing to do with the rules, really. Corey and I had just never had the desire to see someone for this long.

And we sure as hell had never brought Mason into the mix.

I had to admit, it was amusing watching him. How disbelieving he was, even while it was happening. How utterly and totally blown away.

“Did that really happen?” he’d asked, when we woke up this morning. “I mean… how… how could—”

We talked it through over coffee, the three of us. It took an hour just to convince him the whole thing had been spontaneous. That Corey and I hadn’t set him up, in an effort to bring him over to what he called ‘the dark side.’

“Did you have fun?” Corey had asked him.

“Of course I did.”

“Would you want to do it again?”

We knew the answer right away, even if he didn’t. It was written in his eyes last night, watching intently as we shared her. His look had been just as hungry as ours, staring down at Lauren as she writhed beneath us. Getting off on just the visual of watching her, as she did anything and everything we wanted.

Hell, it was hotter than anything we’d done before. At first I couldn’t put my finger on it. I’d chalked it up to some kind of extra chemistry, or maybe a full moon. Whatever it was, it had supercharged our desire for her. Made it so that we wanted her again and again, even after we were finished, even after she was done.

But the more I ran it through my mind? The more I realized it was the person she was. She was smart, sweet, sexy. Totally wild and uninhibited in bed. Caring and considerate, but funny also. She had all of the greatest traits I’d ever looked for in a girlfriend, and none of the bad ones.

But beyond all that, she had this whole ‘innocent’ thing going on. Like she’d been trapped in a bubble, all throughout her marriage. Kept isolated from the world — frozen in time. Almost, sadly, to the point of chastity.

Yet the more we had of her, the more we wanted. And the more she came out of her shell, the hotter everything became. Lauren appealed to a sense of sexual awakening we hadn’t ever seen before, and she was eager to learn. She held nothing back, and was just as hungry for gratification as we were.

Shit, maybe even more.

Worst of all, we couldn’t stand the thought of her leaving. Of her just flying off to the other side of the country and not coming back again, after we were just really getting to know her. Asking her to stay went against everything we stood for. It went against every rule

we had, especially when it came to not getting attached.

But it was too late. We were already attached. And that was a whole different conversation I’d had with Corey, regarding how we were going to eventually peel ourselves away when the time came.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” he’d told me. It was as lame an answer as he’d ever given. “But for now…”

I watched Lauren hang up, her expression still sour. She was staring down at her phone like she’d eaten something that disagreed with her.

“Boss give you a hard time?”

She sighed heavily. “You don’t know the half of it.”

“You must really love your job, then.”

She looked at me oddly. “What makes you say that?”

“To put up with all this,” I said. “For the sake of a few extra days vacation. I mean, don’t take this the wrong way but your boss sounds like a real asshole.”

Lauren laughed. “Oh she is. If she were any more of an asshole, she’d come with toilet paper.”

She took a step closer and flipped her hair over one shoulder. She did it so casually, too. Without any knowledge of how sexy the movement actually was.

“Well, I don’t want you to get in trouble,” I said, kicking myself as I said it. “I mean, you haven’t switched your flight yet. We could still get you to the airport in time, get you home. Make your boss into an even bigger asshole. Especially if this is going to hurt your career, or—”