Brody and Corey shrugged helplessly from opposite sides of the tub. Mason still looked unapologetic, however.

“Just strip down to your panties,” he said. “It’ll be like a bathing suit anyway.”

“And how do you know I’m even wearing panties?” I teased.

He saluted me with his beer. “Because the guys told me you were a good girl.”

Sighing heavily, I kicked off my shoes and pulled off my socks. Then, with all three of them eyeing me like a juicy steak… I shimmied out of my overly-expensive pre-ripped jeans.

The cool night air stippled my skin. It sent wave after wave of gooseflesh, rolling over my naked thighs.

“Alright, move over,” I said, climbing the stairs in my fresh new thong. With practiced ease, I popped my bra off and pulled it through one of the arm holes.

“Wait,” said Brody. “Your shirt.”

I looked down at my T-shirt as if seeing it for the first time. “What about it?”

“No reason to get it wet. Take it off.”

My eyes somehow found Mason’s. My stomach did a little flip-flop.

“No way I’m going topless,” I protested.

“You are,” said Corey simply, “if you’re still following our rules.”

Holy shit. Between the change of plans, and all the confusion, I’d forgotten all about the rules the guys had set forth for our second date.

“Are you telling me to take my shirt off?” I asked, semi-obediently.

My pulse was getting faster. I could feel myself heating up, despite the cold.

“I am,” said Corey evenly.

I stared back at him defiantly for a moment, giving him a second or two to change his mind. Only if I were being honest… I didn’t want him to change his mind.

No, I was thriving on the idea of taking orders. Getting off on the excitement of being told what to do. And as the knife of excitement twisted another half turn in my stomach, I realized something.

I actually loved him telling me to do this.

Moving with intentional slowness, I peeled the shirt from my body inch by tantalizing inch. When my breasts finally fell free against the crisp night air, my nipples stiffened almost instantly.

“Now we’re talking,” cheered Mason.

Brody took my hand as I stepped carefully into the steaming hot tub. The hundred-degree water felt amazing! Totally baptismal. In less than three seconds I’d immersed myself fully, all the way in up to my neck.

“GOD this is SO GOOD!”

My entire body — much to their disappointment — was now completely invisible beneath the bubbling jets. I settled in between Brody and Corey, as they each shifted their bodies in my direction.

How the hell is this thing so hot already, anyway?” I asked, as Corey handed me a beer from the cooler.

“I had the owner turn it on ahead of time,” said Mason.

Using my thumb and middle finger, I flipped my bottle cap at him. He ducked just in time to prevent it from bouncing off his forehead.

“So you knew we were going hot-tubbing while I was up in my suite, grabbing some clothes?”

“Oh yeah,” Mason acknowledged.