“For whatever comes next,” said Brody.

She shrugged her pretty bare shoulders. “I said I’d do what you wanted, didn’t I? You’re the boss.”

I had to admire her bravado. She was certainly playing the game, and playing it well. But it was time to ramp things up a notch.

“Wanna get out of here then?” I asked Brody. “Show her the place?”

He tipped his drink back for a minute and stared at the sky. “Yeah,” he sighed. “Sounds about right.”

I extended a hand. Lauren took it, smiling demurely.

“Do you really have to go home tomorrow?” I asked, leading us away, into the night.

“If I want to keep my job,” she giggled. “Then probably, yes.”



The place they brought me to next was clear across the city. All the way in downtown Vegas, where the art district was teeming with a wide variety of colorful people.

I was absolutely famished. Maybe even in the beginning phases of starvation. Our latest cab let us out in a crowded square, and three blocks later we found ourselves still walking.

“Where in the world are you taking me?”

Corey would tell me nothing. Brody only smiled. Nervousness set in, battling it out with my all-consuming hunger for control of my rumbling stomach. Every restaurant we passed was pure torture. Every delicious smell floating along in the still night air seemed to waft my way.

Finally we stopped at some run-down old place, which was half-bar, half-lounge. It was all charm though, as I was instantly drawn to it. Especially since I could smell french fries.

“What do you think of this place?” asked Corey.

“I totally love it.”

He raised an eyebrow in surprise, but Brody elbowed him. “She loves it because she’s starving,” he laughed at his friend. “She’d love a KFC if you lead her into one right now.”

We wound our way through a sparse crowd, the guys leading me along by both my hands. We ended up crammed into a little booth, at the back end of the lounge. Brody took one side of me, Corey the other. It reminded me sharply of our first meeting at the Lily.

Almost immediately, an older man we hadn’t seen showed up with drinks we hadn’t ordered. Both my lovers stood to greet him warmly, with a hug and a handshake, and I knew right away this was ‘their place’.

“Lauren, this is Floyd,” Brody said, by way of introduction. “Floyd, meet Lauren.”

I stood to shake the smiling man’s hand, but he quickly shooed me back into my seat. Instead he leaned in and kissed me on both cheeks, like an Italian uncle, or something out of the Godfather.

“Easy, Floyd,” joked Corey. “She’s ours.”

“Bah!” Floyd laughed, beneath his greying mustaches. “As if the two of you could handle a girl this beautiful!”

Corey’s hand had already found my knee under the table. He slid it a few inches up my thigh and squeezed at the joke.

“Don’t go telling us what we can and can’t handle, old man,” he grinned broadly. “You’ve already got yourself a wife, remember? Now bring us the usual.”

Shooing him with both hands this time, Floyd disappeared back in the direction he came. We were left on our own in the darkened corner, nursing our drinks. Settling in, so to speak, as the guys edged ever closer to my body on either side.


I was feeling the tingle already. A spreading warmth, triggered by the scent of their skin, and the heat of their thighs against mine. It was like my body remembered them. Like it could recal

l every last pleasure they’d given me… the growing wetness between my legs betraying just how desperately eager I was, for more of the same.