Holy shit, Lauren!

“Well we’re squeaky clean, totally healthy,” said Brody. “We can provide recent paperwork—”

“I mean… when you meet these other women together, what exactly do you do with them?” I swallowed, hard. “How does it usually go, once they’ve… once they’ve…”

“Agreed to go to bed with us?”

Those seven simple words hammered the whole thing home. I grabbed my glass of wine and took a huge gulp.

“You want to know the specific details?” asked Brody.

The burgundy liquid slid like fire down my throat. Emboldened by the warmth flowing through me, I nodded.

The two friends looked at each other before sharing a secret smile. They shifted just a little bit closer, until each of them had a thigh resting warmly against mine.

“We’ve done everything, Lauren.” Brody’s voice was even lower. Huskier. His breath was hot on my neck as he nosed his way in, just past my hair. “Anything and everything you could possibly image...”



I sat utterly still, sandwiched between them. My whole body tingled from the feel of Brody’s hot breath on my skin, as he continued to talk.

“Some women want us both at the same time,” he told me softly. “Simultaneously. From each end.”

I gasped inwardly, as my whole body stiffened. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“Other women just want us to take turns…”

“T—Take turns?”

“Fucking her,” said Corey, whispering into my other ear.

The word was so raw. So filthy. I’d heard it a million times, but never like this. Never like—

“Spreading her legs for the both of us, so we could take turns on her,” Corey went on. “Over and over again. Tag-teaming her. Screwing her into the bed, one right after the other...”

I melted, almost immediately. The warmth gathering in my belly sank lower, stoking the furnace between my legs.

“Of course,” Brody countered, “everyone’s different. We’ve had women who wanted only one of us, or the other. We even had one who wanted to sleep with us — just sleep, mind you. I think she was lonely, and just looking to drift off between two warm bodies.”

She’s crazy, I thought, looking back at their bodies. Totally nuts.

“And of course, the pendulum swings in the opposite direction too,” Brody smirked wryly. His hand slid an inch or two higher on my thigh. “Some girls aren’t afraid to ask for anything. And with some of those, we’ve taken them to some pretty wild places…”

My imagination spun off in all kinds of crazy directions. I could envision these women, in the same position I was. Mulling over the same seemingly crazy ideas. Feeling that same forbidden excitement. And then pushing past all that, to take that final step. To go upstairs, and fall into bed with these two beautiful men. To pull out the keycard to their hotel rooms… and actually do it.

“I have a question,” I said hesitantly.


“What do you guys get out of this?”

The guys looked at each other again, then back at me strangely.

“I mean, besides the obvious,” I blushed again. “But seriously, look at you. You’re both so young. So unbelievably good-looking. You could have your pick of any girlfriends you wanted. Girls your own age…”

I rolled the stem of my wine glass between my fingers. For courage, I took another quick sip.