The guys sipped their beer, almost in tandem. I wondered if that was all they did in tandem.

“You’re from New York, aren’t you?” Brody asked.

I laughed. “Is the accent that obvious?”

“Like a tase

r to the nuts is obvious, yes.”

Now it was my turn to sip my wine, while they regarded me. I did it slowly. Every millimeter of liquid was like a lifeline to finally making a decision.

“Ever had a taser to the nuts?” I asked.

“No, but we’re willing to try anything once,” Brody smirked.

“Most things,” corrected Corey.

“Besides, we’ve got friends from New York,” added Brody. “One in particular who moved out here for a little while, and ended up in Hollywood doing bit parts in a few movies.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Anything I might know?”

“Maybe,” Corey smirked triumphantly.

I forced myself to take a long, deep breath. They were absolutely gorgeous — the both of them. Tall and sculpted and beautiful, with broad chests and big arms and roguishly handsome faces. And they were charming too. Soft-spoken and well-mannered. They carried themselves with an air of confidence, but not swagger.

And they were mine. The both of them.

That is, if I wanted it.

“So…” I said, tracing my finger lightly along the rim of my wine glass. “The umm… thing in your flyer…”

The guys perked up. I saw Corey’s mouth curl into a smile. Brody’s blue eyes shimmered with light.

“Do you do it often?”



It was like ripping off a band-aid. Like jumping into an icy pool, without dipping my toes in first.

“You want the truth?” asked Brody.

I laughed musically, to defer my nervousness. “Doesn’t every girl?”

“Not all the time, no,” said Brody.

“Well indulge me then.”

I saw his eyes go to his friend. They exchanged an honest look, before his attention returned to me.

“Then yes,” said Brody. “We do it when we can.” He shrugged unapologetically. “As the flyer says, it’s always amazing.”

Something fluttered, deep in my chest. Or was it my stomach?

“Do you find many women?”

“More or less,” Corey chimed in. “Does that surprise you?”