Page 7 of Unwrapping Holly

I blinked. It was the last thing I expected him to say.


“Well Christmas is coming,” said Donovan. “And I’ve got a ton of people to buy for. Friends, family, small gifts I usually give to clients…”

His voice had changed also. It was still beautiful, still wonderfully deep and sexy. But it was smoother now. Much more casual.

“How about we trade?” he smiled warmly. “Some personal training sessions for some personal shopping?”

He had the best smile. It brought mine out as well.

“You’d do that?”

“I’d actually love to do that!” he said excitedly. “Can’t tell the gym though.” Donovan rolled his beautiful eyes. “It’s against policy, or something equally stupid.”

“O—Okay,” I stammered.

All of a sudden my heart was racing. The idea of shopping for this incredible man, of getting to know him on a more personal level… there was something as intimidating as there was appealing about it.

“Gotta do something to get you in here,” Donovan laughed. “You need an excuse to show up more.”

I had to stop myself from turning about ten shades of red.

“Maybe I need a little more incentive?”

Holy shit! Did you really just say that?

“Then maybe I should just take you out on Saturday,” he countered smoothly. “How’s that for incentive?”

For a couple of seconds, time stopped. It was all I could do to keep my mouth from hanging open.

“I… I work on Saturday.”

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

“Do you work at night?”

I swallowed hard. “No...”

“Then I’ll take you out then. Unless you—”

“No no,” I jumped in. “I, uh… I mean Saturday night is good.”

Donovan set his hands on hips as I let out a relieved breath. I couldn’t believe how close I’d come to screwing things up.

“Then it’s settled. Dinner, you and me, Saturday night. We can discuss the terms of our trade, and—”


We both whirled in the direction of the voice. Behind the front desk, the gym’s owner — a man I knew only as Eddie — was staring daggers at us. Or more specifically, at Donovan.

“You’ve got an eight O’clock who’s been waiting five minutes already,” the owner growled.

“Yeah, we’ll she’s ten minutes early,” Donovan shot back.

Eddie’s return scowl told me everything I needed to know next. Donovan’s shoulders didn’t slump an inch. He remained defiant in the face of the big, red-headed man. They stared at each other for a long moment, neither one of them willing to look away.

“It’s okay,” I said, pulling Donovan’s attention back to me. “Go. Do your thing.”