Page 18 of Unwrapping Holly

Off to slay dragons.

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dn’t help but laugh out loud. Saving my sex life? Sure, maybe that part was true. But if I remembered last night correctly, my sexy classmate seemed to have an equal amount of fun.

I rolled out of bed, my body screaming in protest. For a moment I debated climbing back beneath the covers. Delaying the inevitable shower just long enough to—

Oh shit! WORK!

My heart-rate doubled as I scrambled into the bathroom, spinning the hot water spigot. How could I forget it was Saturday! I had to be at the office!

Brody. That’s how.

My mind spun wildly with thoughts of last night; our perfect date, the quiet museum, our cozy talk in the little cafe. The comfort of hugging my body against his on the motorcycle. The thrill of kissing so wantonly in the park…

All of it was so fresh, so new for me. So much fun that it had completely taken the place in my brain occupied by work, or school, or my ex-boyfriend…

I arrived at the office a half-hour late, which all things considered wasn’t that bad. The good part about Saturdays was the place was mostly empty. On weekdays, it was filled with leering bosses and frenzied deadlines. People walking like zombies, stumbling their way through the cubicle hedge-maze wearing an alternating combination of long faces or plastic smiles.

No, the office wasn’t my favorite place to be, and it was certainly not the reason I came to New York. Even as I took the CPA courses the company paid for, I saw it for the long con it really was. It was a trap that crushed dreams. A place of good intentions, mediocre aspirations, and really bad coffee.

I now liked Saturdays because I wouldn’t have to worry about running into Malcolm, either. It was my day to catch up on work, and then slack off if I wanted to. Only in this case, because of finals, I had too much to do. Too much work I’d set already aside during my pity parties.

But last night…

Last night was an extremely pleasant distraction. I replayed it again and again, savoring it for the shiny new experience it was. It made the day go fast, and by the time five-thirty rolled around it felt like I’d cheated the gods of work. I could go home now. Kick back and relax. Maybe take a hot bath, or pick up the book I was reading, or think of something clever to text Brody, or—


Grinning broadly, I grabbed for my phone. The little red ‘1’ next to my text message icon was like an unopened gift. An exciting little mystery that I could I solve just by pressing the—

Oh my God…

Still need your address, hon.

Unless you want me to guess.

I stared at the message for a moment. It made absolutely no sense, until I realized who it was from.


Holy shit!

A cold realization stole over me. In the wake of Brody, I’d completely forgotten about my date with my personal trainer. A date I’d been looking very forward to, at least until…

How could you just forget something like this?

I didn’t know. It made no sense! Getting asked out by my personal trainer had been like a dream. And yet somehow…

I glanced over at the clock. There was still time to get home, get cleaned up, get changed. Get ready to go out, all over again.

But Brody…

Yeah, so what? What about him?

It didn’t seem right, did it? Going out after last night. After what happened between—