Page 67 of Sharing Hannah

By the time we were finished, the four of us were staring at an empty restaurant. The tables were stripped, with fresh linens being set out for tomorrow. Someone was starting a vacuum up, back in the far corner.

“We should celebrate,” said Adam. His mouth curled into an almost demonic smirk.

“We definitely should…” I said, letting my voice go sultry. “But not tonight. It’s late, and we all have an early day tommorow.” I rubbed at my belly. “Plus, we’re stuffed so full of Chinese food right now, it might not be our greatest performance.”

Adam laughed, and the others laughed with him. They surrounded me in a little circle, as we rose from our table and traded hugs.

“And it needs to be a great performance…” I added with a wink.



His kisses were tantalizingly slow, his tongue swirling along mine as I fell even deeper into oblivion. It was exactly what he wanted. To fill me with such excitement and longing that I couldn’t possibly resist. To make me so totally, ridiculously wet, his offer would be one I couldn’t refuse.

And goddammit, it was working.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come in?”

We were still in my car. Illegally parked against the curb of the faculty housing lot, where we’d spent the last fifteen minutes steaming up all six of my windows. I was laying across Trey’s body, my shirt already half-off. Still kissing him slowly, while dragging my nipples over his beautifully muscled chest.

“We can’t…” I protested weakly. “It’s really late, Trey. Besides, we promised the others we’d wait for—”

“The others aren’t nearly as worked up as I am,” he said. He rolled his hips, grinding his hard-on between my legs. “And hey, it’s not my fault you needed to give me a ride home.”

Well, it’s kind of mine, my mind registered, but didn’t say. I thought about his poor slashed tires. The guilt came creeping back.

“And it’s not my fault you drive sexy,” he said, reaching down to squeeze my ass. “Or that I couldn’t keep my hands off you the entire way.”

“That part actually is your fault,” I admonished him.

“Really?” Trey said playfully. He kissed my ear, and I shivered violently. “Because I really didn’t notice you complaining…”

Complaining was the last thing on my mind during the ride over. Trey had spent half the ride kissing my neck, his hard body molded against mine. The other half…

The other half he’d spent with his hands doing other things.

It was an interesting trip, to say the least. Trey unbuttoning and unzipping me, then sinking his palm slowly downward along my quivering stomach. I gasped as he pierced the waistband of my panties. Nearly swatted him away, as he began rubbing my soaked, naked mound.

But when he slid a finger inside me… well, that’s when the drive took a turn for the seriously distracted. I slowed my speed by twenty miles per hour and still found it hard to stay within the lines. Over and over he penetrated me with that one thick digit, piercing me, teasing me until I was groaning and squirming in my seat.

I couldn’t help but focus on the smell of him… the feel of him. The slow, wet tracings of his ever-talented tongue, dragging itself slowly all along my bare neck and shoulder.

“Maybe just a few minutes?” he breathed into my ear. His hands squeezed hard, cupping both my cheeks. The tips of his fingers were even closer now, brushing the very edges of my pussy.


“We could do it quick,” he said suggestively. “Fast and hard. Right in the kitchen, if you want to. We don’t even have to make it to the bed, I could just bend you over the table and…”

Trey went on hotly, detailing all the filthy things he planned to do while I gripped the faux wood edge of his kitchen table. I was breathing so fast I couldn’t hide it anymore. Squirming. Churning…

“O—Okay,” I gasped, almost bolting upright. “Okay. Just… we have to be—”

“I promise to make it worth your while,” Trey winked and smiled. Then he was up and opening the door. Stepping out toward the little walkway that wound along the side of the building.

I pulled my shirt down, took his hand, and followed.

“You’re not going to regret this,” he smiled. He was walking backwards now. Holding me by both my hands. “In fact—”