Page 62 of Sharing Hannah

It was indescribable, the feeling of so much oil. It was trapped between our naked bodies. A slick, slippery layer that took away all friction, allowing him to slide all over me as he continued kissing me into oblivion.


His body felt hard and amazing. I could feel every ridge, every ripple. His well-muscled chest. His double-column of panty-dropping abdominals, quivering against me, sliding ever downward as he shifted to position himself perfectly between my legs.

“You wanna fuck?” he whispered, burying his face in my ear. Even that was covered in oil. I could feel it all over my cheek.

“God yes.”

“Tell me.”

“I want to FUCK,” I grunted, accentuating the word. Those four little letters seemed suddenly harsher and dirtier than they’d ever been before.

“Tell me again.”

I ran my hands up his rock-hard arms, dragging oil everywhere. Then I slipped them over his shoulders to claw at his back.

“Fuck me Trey,” I growled, rolling my fingernails tightly against his skin.

The sudden threat of pain forced him to stiffen up. I pulled him back to me, sliding my slippery tits back and forth, all over his chest.

“Come on,” I urged, knowing what would set him off. “Give it to me…”

Down between our legs, everything was a hot, wet mess. Trey’s oil-soaked manhood was pressing against my oil-soaked entrance, which was already well-drenched on top of everything else.

He slid upward, pushing himself through my folds. But instead of going inside me, he began rubbing his shaft up and down along my clit.

It was pure agony. The worst possible torture.

“Are you fucking kidding?” I gasped, shifting downward. I had to have him. Needed to have him.

Trey’s only response was a wry smile. He matched my every movement. Pulled back every time I thrust my hips his way…

“Fuck!” I screamed in frustration. “You really know how to—”

It happened, all in a single glorious instant. One moment I was clawing and cursing in frustration, the next…

… the next, Trey had pushed the head of his cock downward, shoving it inside me with a wet ‘snap’.


He shoved forward, hard, bearing down with all his weight. There was an explosion of pleasure as everything went inside me. All of it. All at once.

“Oh… my… fucking… God…” I managed to whimper, as he rolled up on his elbows and began pounding me into the bed.



I’d been in Chris’s office for twenty whole minutes before he showed up, which was earlier than almost everyone. I savored the look of surprise on his face as he froze, halfway through his doorway. For once, it was nice to see him at a disadvantage.

“W—Who let you in here?” he demanded angrily. His eyes shifted from me, to his computer, down to his mouse… which rested comfortably beneath my hand.

“Good morning to you too.”

“Was it Fred?” he snarled. “Or did you sweet talk the maintenance crew into—”

“Relax, big guy. It was nothing that elaborate.”