Page 6 of Sharing Hannah

The other was taller, and a lot more casual. He had soft-looking brown hair that was just long enough to flop down over his eyes, but in an adorable Clark Kent way.

Both of Adam’s friends were incredibly built, almost to the point of ridiculousness. There was no doubt these were the hard bodies pictured in the ad I’d answered. There was also little doubt all three of them were gym rats, and probably together.

When my eyes had finished drinking my fill of them, I sauntered on over. They glanced up as I slid into the one empty chair, shrugging my coat off in one smooth motion and crossing one leg over the other.

“Hey boys.”

The two men on my right and left didn’t know whether to stand and greet me or remain sitting down. Adam however, held his ground and smiled.

“Been waiting long?” I asked.

“Our whole lives,” Adam said smartly, without missing a beat. “Thank God you’re finally here.”

I smiled back and settled in. “Cute.”

On a whim I leaned forward across the low table and kissed Adam on the cheek. His stubble tickled my lips. He smelled ev

ery bit as delicious as he looked.

“You’re even more adorable than in your pics,” I said smugly.

“I am?’

“Um-hmm,” I confirmed. “And that virtually never happens.”

I reached left and right, extending my hand. The others took it firmly between their thick fingers, and shook it gently.

“I’m Hannah,” I lied through my teeth.

“Dante,” smiled the GQ magazine model who looked good enough to eat. “And he’s Trey.”

Trey grinned and nodded, and for the first time I saw his eyes. There was something special there. A deep-seated intelligence, hidden behind a pair of beautiful chestnut orbs.

For a moment we just sat there, sizing each other up. Three handsome guys and me… sitting across from them. I felt like I was at some really weird job interview.

“We ordered you a latte and a coffee,” said Adam. “I’ll drink whichever one you don’t want.”

I stared down at the two steaming mugs on the table in front of me. My lips curled into a bold grin.

“Maybe I’ll just have both.”

There was a short pause, and then Dante broke out laughing. “I like this girl already.”

Picking up the latte, I brought it to my lips. I blew on the foam — not worrying about how sexual it looked — before taking a sip of the rich, brown liquid.

“So… how does this work?”

Adam leaned back comfortably. “What do you mean?”

“I mean there are three of you, but only one of me. And… well…”

“You’ve never done anything like this before, have you?”

I thought about the poly dating site, and how I’d joined it just to contact them. I couldn’t really lie.

“No,” I admitted.

“Think of it just like any other date,” Dante spoke up. “You talk, you laugh, you flirt. Hopefully you have a little fun.” He shrugged. “Only instead of doing it with one person, you do it with three.”