“Sammara listen,” he said gently. “If you’re really worried, let’s go see a doctor. We can get you tested, to ease your mind. We’ll even go with you.”

Kyle nodded immediately. I felt my shoulders relax.

“Really?” I sniffled.


The tears had stopped. I felt suddenly better, much more positive. Up until now, I’d been afraid to go. Afraid to really know the truth.

But with the two of them alongside me…


Ryan smiled. Kyle squeezed my hand.

“We’ll get you all checked out and cleared for takeoff,” Ryan said with a rare grin. “I promise.”

“And when your results come back totally negative, and everything’s okay?” Kyle added cheerfully. “We’re all going out to celebrate.”

I let out a broken laugh. It all sounded so good. Too good.

“And then afterward we’ll bring you right back here,” he finished. “And practice our impregnation skills on you some more…”

On the other side of me, Ryan laughed. “As if I actually need practice,” he huffed.

“Oh I’ve seen your technique,” Kyle teased. “There’s definitely room in there for some improvement!”

They bantered back and forth a little more, partly to razz each other, partly to cheer me up. Thankful for the distraction, I let them. I already felt immeasurably better for having talked about it. A hundred pounds lighter for finally getting it off my chest.

“You’re sleeping with the both of us tonight,” said Kyle firmly. “Between us.”

My heart skipped a beat. It was a good skip.


“Great, then it’s settled. Now let’s go do what we do best after attempting to knock you up.”

I smiled back the guys slyly. “Shower?”

“No, silly,” he laughed. “Raid the fridge!”



It wasn’t like most doctor’s offices, all cold and clinical. This one had had soft leather chairs. Books instead of magazines. It was bright and warm, with lots of natural lighting and landscape paintings instead of medical posters splashed everywhere.

“Ms. Madsen?”

I got up, and the receptionist was surprised to see three men rise with me. Ryan and Kyle flanked either side of me, along with Dakota, who was so wide he barely made it through the doorway.

“Uhh… Are you—”

“All of them,” I said, before she asked the question.

The receptionist nodded quickly. “Okay.”

We were led down a long hallway, to a heavy door at the end. Inside were a trio of chairs, set across from a massive mahogany desk.