“I’m always up for a little practice,” I purred. I rolled onto my back and s

tretched like a cat. Tate dropped his mouth over one warm nipple, Jacob over the other. I reached overhead, closing both hands around Cole’s already-hard, beautifully curved thickness.

“And you boys can use my body to practice anytime you want.”

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Need more Reverse Harem?

Thanks for checking out Trading with the Boys. Here’s hoping you totally enjoyed it!

And for even more sweltering reverse harem heat? Check out: Three Christmas Wishes. Below you’ll find a preview of the sexy, sizzling cover, plus the first several chapters so you can see for yourself:

Chapter One



The expensive coffee machine didn’t just hit the ground, it exploded spectacularly into a thousand jagged pieces. Silver and black plastic flew everywhere as the guts spilled out all over the front lawn. I marveled at how very different it looked on the inside. So much so, that in pausing to stare at it, I actually forgot my anger for a moment.


But only a moment.

I really liked that thing.

The innocent coffee machine had provided me thousands of hours of caffeine-infused energy, through hundreds of delicious beverages. It certainly didn’t deserve its fate. But it had been a gift to both of us; unfortunately presented by my boyfriend to me. Drake had spared no expense last Christmas in getting one that did everything, from espresso shots to foamed milk to—

“Fuck you, Drake.”

I spat the words as I scanned the apartment for any other signs of my now ex-boyfriend. Anything that might’ve been his was already scattered across the front lawn, hurled violently from our third-floor loft studio apartment. But I had to be sure.

Three whole years…

My fists clenched as I stalked from room to room, looking for anything he might’ve bought or given me. His clothes and toiletries were gone, all the bedding too. I’d have to buy new sheets and blankets — pillows as well — but anything was better than sleeping on the linens he’d soiled with his very presence.

Or for all I knew, maybe even her presence.

“Fuck you too, you giant-toothed bimbo.”

It had been a freak thing, running across him at the very edge of town. It was a sandwich shop I’d never even heard of, tucked into the back end of a street I’d never even driven down. My first and only time going there…

Funny how fate often intervenes in things like that.