“Yeah, neither have we,” said Tate. “But I have a feeling it’s going to work out anyway.”

The guys were undressing, and my eyes were glued to the spectacle. They peeled their shirts over their heads like a pair of exotic dancers. Sculpted chests and massive arms sprang into view. By the time they stepped out of their jeans, I was already spreading my legs. One of my hands had found its way down there, and I was shocked at the extent of my own wetness.

This is so fucking amazing!

I was surprised at how easily I was adapting to the situation as it unfolded. I could’ve balked. I could’ve convinced myself this wasn’t a good idea. Apparently, the little voice in my head that acted as the voice of reason had taken the day off.

Good riddance.

Fantasies sprang to mind — things I’d always wanted to try. Movies I’d wanted to watch with ex-boyfriends and even my husband, involving scenarios just such as this. Back then they’d seemed dirty and naughty, maybe a little crazy, too. Yet now that it was about to happen, it seemed a lot less complicated.

As they climbed onto the bed to join me, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world.

“Ah, Mrs. Nelson…” one of them sighed, slipping his head between my thighs. “Unbelievable. I fucking love it.”

It was Jacob, my landscaper. The guy who’d been mowing my lawn for the better part of a decade, now about to go down on me.

“You still want to do the Mrs. Nelson thing, eh?” I murmured, shivering as he touched me. “Would that turn you on?”

“A little maybe,” he admitted.

I stretched my arms to the headboard and sighed. “Fine. Go for it.”

A hot mouth closed slowly over my mound, and I let out a long, contented hiss. Before I could open my eyes again, Tate’s hard body was molded alongside mine. His lips crashed against my exposed breast, his tongue swirling wildly over one stiffening nipple.

My God.

I reached out to stroke him, finding him already big and hard. I continued the up and down motion as his tongue traveled slowly upward, dragging along my neck until his mouth was buried in my hair, his lips pressed right up against my ear.

“He can do the Mrs. Nelson thing if he wants,” he growled throatily. “But you’re always going to be Serena for me.”

The fantasy was double-sided. It flattered me greatly that I’d been a sex object in their adolescence, but it also made me feel womanly now that they were such big, strong men. Their roles in my life had changed. After my divorce, and especially after having put myself last for most of my adult life, so had I.

I turned my head and began kissing him, as Jacob’s beautiful mouth went to town between my legs. I moaned as he slid a finger inside me, then bucked my hips as one finger became two.

This is unreal.

Tate’s kisses were so deep now it felt like our souls were touching. His masculine, calloused hands roamed my body, even as I felt Jacob’s two heavy palms working to keep my thighs apart. His fingers were sawing in and out of me, his tongue circling the swollen hood at the very top of my sex. I wanted to scream but I didn’t want to break the spell. Everything felt so wonderful, I didn’t want a single thing to change.

Well, almost anything.

My bedroom was warm, dark, shadowy. Too shadowy. I was a visual person. If I were committing to this, I wanted to see all the beautiful things they would be doing to me.

Stretching one arm high overhead, I punched the little button on the wall near the headboard. The string of LED lights along the ceiling blinked on, illuminating the room warmly in a muted, pink glow.

“Nice!” Jacob quipped, peeking up from between my legs.

“Don’t let it distract you,” I teased, pushing his head back down. I sighed as his tongue slipped inside me. “You were doing juuuust fine…”

I’d strung the lights one valentine’s day, as a surprise for Eric. He’d hated them, of course. Since then I’d used them on nights I felt lonely, and didn’t feel like falling asleep in the dark. And there were too many of those, unfortunately.

Right now none of that mattered. I was too consumed with Tate’s kisses, watching dreamily as he pushed up on two big arms and hovered over me. Too focused on the pleasure of Jacob’s hot, churning mouth, as he devoured me like a hot meal.

Holy shit.

I ran my fingers through his thick blond hair, pulling his tongue deeper inside me. It felt almost sacrilegious when he finally withdrew, shifting his body forward.

This is it…