Dropping to my knees, I had his jumpsuit off in an instant — his jeans too. The zippers slid smoothly and easily. My fingers, though out of practice, remembered the movements well.

Wordlessly our eyes locked, even as my hands kept going. I found the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down his thighs. Something big and heavy sprang forth, swinging from the motion of being suddenly freed. Even though I could only see it peripherally, I could tell it was big.


Still trapping his eyes with mine, I slowly lowered my face between his legs. Something warm and wonderful grazed my lips, and without breaking eye contact I opened my mouth and swallowed him more than halfway down.


Tate let loose a sound that was a deep groan mixed with a hiss of intense pleasure. It was followed by me lowering my gaze, gripping the thick base, and finally giving a hundred percent focus to what I was doing.

His hands moved upward, his big fingers combing my hair back as I bobbed up and down in his lap. I felt the flat of his stomach quiver. His body went totally relaxed, as I began blowing him with even more heat and enthusiasm.

“It’s about time,” he grunted, letting his ass sink into the chair.



There were blowjobs and then there were blowjobs, and this was definitely the latter.

I rolled

my head back. Sank my fists into her soft, fragrant hair as the warm pleasure of her wet mouth washed over me. Mrs. Nelson! Holy shit. No, scratch that — she was only Serena now. The woman who made me dinner each night. A neighbor in trouble, that I was helping get back on her feet.

But she was so much more than that, too.

I’d been on cloud nine just watching her sit across from me, then pinning her ass to the couch each night. She was soft, fragrant. Delicious. But right now this beautiful woman I’d been devouring all week was going down on me. Feasting on me with every bit as much hunger and passion as I did her.


She was making noises down there, too. Rolling her fingers along my shaft and letting the saliva drip down, to get everything wet and slick and wonderful. Her mouth was hotter than hell, her lips so tight around me I was gripping the chair’s arms and willing myself not to lose it. I wanted to enjoy this. I wanted to make it last forever.

Forever isn’t gonna happen, though. Not when she’s doing stuff like this!

Every time I thought I had her pegged she’d surprised me. She worked enough hours for two jobs. Kept up with a mortgage payment and student loans, all while taking the bus back and forth to work. Her ex-husband was a piece of shit, to abandon her so fully and completely. I wasn’t too happy with David either. Either my old classmate had manipulated her into sending him to Florida strictly for selfish reasons, or he’d just plain fallen in love unexpectedly.

None of that condoned him abandoning her, though. In that respect, he was no better than his father.

I’d learned these things through talking to her, of course. We shared little bits and pieces of our lives with each other, while at the same time sharing dinner. And now…

Well, now we were sharing this.

Serena shifted even closer, spreading her hands over my thighs. The feel of her nails gently raking my skin was a pleasant distraction from her churning, swirling mouth.

I’d wanted her for years. At first it’d been merely a far-flung fantasy, but as manhood stole over us I realized exactly how much of a woman she really was. She was on the younger side too, and that helped make her almost attainable. And now at long last here she was, finally kneeling between my legs. Sucking the soul out of me on the very same chair I’d sat in so many years ago, wondering what something like this might feel like.

There were a lot of things I wanted to do to this woman. Right now however, I was focused solely on what she was doing to me.


I relaxed, letting my fingers play with the silk-like softness of her hair. She was playing with my balls now. Rolling them in her fingers, while running her other hand over my taut, trembling stomach.

That last part’s for her.

I smiled inwardly, realizing how much she needed what we were doing. If I was right, it had been a while since she’d done something like this. Probably a long while.

But damn… she was still so fucking good at it.