Page 6 of Saving Savannah

“Hang on a second,” I said, waving the bottle away. “Define ‘total stranger’.”

He hesitated for a moment, his gorgeous bronze face going abruptly thoughtful. “Someone you knew less than half a day.”

My lips came together wryly. I reached for the bottle, as the others broke out in laughter.

“Yeah,” Roman chuckled. “Thought so.”

I took my time, watching them as I drank. Enjoying the warmth of their camaraderie, the feeling of closeness and friendship between them. It was obvious, the bonds they shared. They were a lot more than just coworkers.

The strength of their connection made me a little jealous.

“Alright gorgeous,” Erik winked at me. “Your turn.”

I’d had something before, but now it seemed a little too tame. We’d gone into more interesting territory. I didn’t want to backtrack.

“Hmm…” I said, stalling for something good. “Let me think.”

God, they were all so fucking hot. They’d shown up clean and showered and shaved, except Erik, who’d kept his stubble. They were still in tight jeans, though. Shirts that seemed form-fitted to their strong, muscular bodies. I wondered absently how much of that muscle came from carrying heaving things up and down staircases. The rest had to have come from the gym.

“Never have I ever… gotten head while driving,” I blurted daringly. The guys stared back at me, pleasantly shocked. I felt my pulse kick up a few notches as I added: “Or given it.”

“Now there’s a fucking turn!” laughed Roman, pointing my way. He reached out for the bottle, but I drank deeply first, before handing it back to him.

“Wow,” Erik whistled. “Really?”

“Uh huh,” I said coyly. “Surprised?”

His expression could best be described as shocked admiration. “Guess not.”

I looked back at them in our little circle, feeling flush with heat. Not just from the wine, but from the observation that every one of us had inched significantly closer since the game had started.

“You’re all drinking,” I noticed, watching their bottles go up with a chuckle. “So do all guys get head while driving?”

“Oh yeah,” said Zane immediately.

Erik nodded his agreement. “Common sexual bucket-lister.”

I laughed again, my eyes lingering on his broad, beautiful shoulders. He leaned back on both arms, causing his massive triceps to flex outward against that smooth, perfect skin.

“Alright, this round’s Truth or Dare again,” Roman announced from my left. He looked directly at me. “So… Truth or Dare?”


All three of them went silent for a long moment. It was the first ‘truth’ turn I’d taken since the game began. But I was ready for anything.

Almost anything.

“Are you really from Georgia?” he finally asked.

The smile left my face all at once. I couldn’t help it.

“Forget it,” I said quickly. “I’ll take the Dare then.”

“No no,” Zane said, wagging his finger. “You already said tru—”

“Hey, let the girl do a dare if she wants to,” Erik cut in. He shot me a quick look. “It might be a lot more interesting.”

Relief flooded through me as I returned his grin with a grateful smile. He nodded back.