Page 56 of Saving Savannah

But right now I felt like the exhaustedly happy meat in a very yummy sandwich.



I woke to a distant noise, and sat slowly upright. I was by myself again. Alone and naked, in a strange bed.

Erik’s bed.

I waited until my eyes adjusted to the darkness, then hopped down. The floor was cool against my feet, but not cold. My body however…

Grabbing a T-shirt from a clean pile of laundry on a nearby dresser, I made my way out into the living area. The sun wasn’t up yet, giving me no sense of time. There was a light on in the kitchen, though.

Erik was gloriously shirtless standing in front of the fridge. He raised an arm overhead, tilting his head back to drink, showing off every corded muscle of his hard, tattooed body.


His arms were incredible: thick biceps battling triceps, capped by round, striated shoulders. My eyes traced him top to bottom, all along the length of his lithe body. Lingering purposely at the natural swell going on in his boxer briefs.

If he noticed me, he wasn’t letting on. I stepped closer, watching his Adam’s apple bob sexily as he drank.

“I knew you were a bad boy,” I said coyly, “but I didn’t know you were this bad.”

Erik eyed me sideways. “What?” he laughed. “For drinking milk?”

I raised an admonishing eyebrow. “Straight from the carton?”

“Oh. Yeah.”

“You’re in a lot of trouble if Zane finds out.” I folded my arms across my chest. “What’ll you give me not to tell him?”

Erik set the milk down on the counter and strode over me in three big steps. My heart was already picking up speed.

“I could give you lots of things…”

He slid both arms around my waist, pulling me against him pelvis to pelvis. His hand found its way beneath the shirt I’d borrowed, which only came down to mid-thigh. His mouth curled into a half-grin as he realized I wasn’t wearing any bottoms.

“The others still here?”

“Gone,” he said, kneading me in his palms. “Roman’s got class tomorrow. Zane headed back to his apartment to make another run of stuff.”

“Ah, that’s right. He told me he was moving in here.”

“Um-hmm,” said Erik. He was definitely distracted now, his hands having found their way into some interesting places. “For a little while, at least.”

“And why’s that?”

“Because the three of us plan on throwing in for a house together,” Erik answered.

I couldn’t hide my surprise. “Wow! Really?”

“Yeah, nothing crazy though. Something just out of town, where the prices drop off.” He leaned down suddenly and kissed me, sending my senses into overdrive. Then, just as abruptly, he let me go.


I nodded eagerly.

“Good. I’ll make pancakes.”