Page 51 of Saving Savannah

“Maybe even on the next sexy redhead who’s moving her entire life to Salem all at once,” I teased. “And we all know how that turns out.”

The guys stood and slid out of the booth. Each of them took one of my hands, helping me to my feet.

“To hell with that,” said Zane.

“Yeah,” Erik agreed. “We’ve only got room for one sexy redhead.”

“Even between three of you?”

“Especially between three of us,” he shot back, his eyes twinkling.

He leaned in and kissed me, right out of the blue. I kissed him back of course, but then Zane was there also, kissing me immediately afterward.


Both kisses were square on the lips, and full of unspoken promise. I glanced around, wondering how many people had seen. What they’d thought about it...

“Sorry about today,” said Erik, “but we can make it up to you.”

“Oh yeah?”

He took his phone out and typed something quickly. A message alert popped up on mine, just seconds later.

“That’s an address,” he said. “Not far outside of town.” His sapphire eyes were full of mischief now. “Be there tonight, if you can. Ten O’clock, sharp.”


“Why?” he teased. “Too late for you?”

“No, I—”

“You gonna turn into a pumpkin at midnight?” Zane piled on.

I smirked wryly. “Fuck off.”

“Come to the address,” Erik said again, “and we’ll turn you into something at midnight.” He winked devilishly as they tossed money on the table and walked away. “I can guarantee that one.”



I spent most of the day pampering myself, and I was fine with that. I got an amazing pedicure. An expert massage. I ate a late lunch, then did a bit of shopping to pick up some odds and ends, including a few sexy things I hadn’t shopped for in a long, long time.

But I also did some more recon.

I’d somewhat told Zane the truth, when it came to why I was visiting other shops like mine. Yes, I wanted to see how they operated. Yes, I even hoped to steal a few good ideas.

But I also wanted to find the gypsy bitch who’d threatened me.

Whoever she was, I was fairly sure she ran a place similar to mine. That tended to narrow things down. And now, I even had a face to go with the crime. A photo of the exact person who’d broken my window, and who just might be in cahoots with her.

Let it go already.

It was good advice, and for once I actually listened to myself. I tried forgetting all about the gypsy woman and the guy in the blurry security photos, at least for now. By nightfall, I’d even managed to do it.

As the hours ticked by, I found myself getting more and more excited about going out. I had first-date jitters. With three guys I’d already, well…

Eventually it got late enough to leave. I showered, shaved myself smooth, and dressed cute for the second time that day. Then I drove out to the address texted to me on my phone…