Page 40 of Saving Savannah


“What’s your birth sign?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “No clue.”

Savannah snorted. “You’re kidding right?”


“Okay, so when’s your birthday?”

I hesitated for a moment, studying her face. I could tell right away they hadn’t told her.

“Actually, my birthday’s today.”

She looked back at me in stunned surprise. “You’re lying.” When I continued nodding slowly, she cocked her head. “It is? Really?”

“Uh huh.”

I slipped my wallet from my pocket for the hell of it, then dropped it open on the table between us. My driver’s license photo stared up at her, my smiling, dorky face at least five years younger.

“Holy shit,” said Savannah.

I laughed inwardly. Her astonishment was actually kinda cute. Her expression had changed from gypsy-like seriousness to one of fun and adorement.

“Well then,” she said, looking down at my hand again. She turned it over a few times just for effect, then smiled up at me. “That changes things.”

“It does?”

“Yup,” she smiled wickedly. “Now I see a blowjob in your future.”

I felt my skin tingle, my pulse go up. “You do?”

Sliding from her chair, she pulled the table back and began climbing into my lap.

“Oh yeah.”

I swallowed hard, past the lump of excitement in my throat.

“Near future?”

She was kissing my neck again, as her fingers deftly undid my lower button and pulled down my zipper.

“Uh huh.”

“W—What happens after that?” I stammered, watching her sink sultrily to the floor. She pulled down my jeans, then my shorts, as I lifted my ass to help out.

“That part’s cloudy…” Savannah purred from her knees. My cock was rock-hard, and already in her hand. She stroked it a few times before closing her mouth over the head.

“I’ll let you know if it comes in clearer, though,” she winked, then went down on me.



He groaned loudly as my lips closed over him. Sinking back into the chair with a contented sigh, as I took him all the way down.

It’s his birthday.