Page 92 of Romeo & Antoinette

“I’m just asking,” said Cap, visibly annoyed.

And then Patrick walked into the waiting room. Which simultaneously made Ant cringe, Nikki perk up and Cap ask, “What are you doing here?”

“Hey everyone,” he said softly. Using that hushed tone anyone might use in a situation like this. The one that’s reserved for funerals and hospital visits. “I heard about what happened and I wanted to come by and make sure you were all okay.”

“That’s so sweet,” said Nikki, visibly impressed.

“Um… I also need to talk to you for a minute,” Patrick said, gesturing to Cap.

“Me? What about?”

“Let’s step over here.” Patrick waved for Cap to come join him as he walked a few steps to a more secluded part of the room. They weren’t alone but they could talk with the illusion of a little privacy.

In doing so they had inextricably moved a little closer to Ant who casually got up and moved off to a different corner where she pulled out her phone and checked it for the hundredth time. Nothing. So she texted Romeo.

Call me

“How’s your son?” Patrick asked, as a way of starting the conversation.

“He’s an idiot. What’s up?”

“The Mayor is pissed.”

“About what?”

“About this. He called me a couple hours ago.”

“What did he say?”

“He said that he’s tired of your son and all the problems he causes.”

“He says it wasn’t his fault.”

Patrick shrugged. “The Mayor said to tell you you’re out. You’re no longer hosting his birthday party down by the water and you’re no longer getting the lunch contract.”


“He said he’s had it with you guys and that you’ve forfeited this opportunity because of what happened.”

“What happened?! My son got attacked. That’s what happened. He got jumped by half a dozen guys from Monty’s and you’re telling me I’m the one that’s gonna pay for it?”

“That’s what the Mayor said.”

“Give me his number. Let’s get him on the phone.”


“Come on…”

“Sorry can’t do that.”

“This is bullshit!” yelled Cap, his voice echoing down the hall. A nurse looked over. She seemed mildly concerned.

Then he added, “Wait, who’s getting the contract?”

Patrick paused. He knew Cap wasn’t going to like this answer. “Monty’s,” he said.

Cap blew his lid. “But they started it!”