Page 76 of Romeo & Antoinette

“Got something?”

“Yeah. It’s…”

She stopped him. “No. Don’t tell me. Just do it.”

Ant leaned farther back into the couch and lifted her shirt. Romeo dipped a long handled, pointed sable brush into a spurt of deep green and gently touched it to her skin. That’s when she giggled.

He painted a few broad strokes then brought the brush back to the palette and mixed in a little neutral gray. Just enough to shade the green. Then he brought the brush back to her skin and continued working on whatever image he had in his head.

“It’s cold,” she said.

“Sorry about that,” he whispered.

Ant looked down. From her angle all she could really see was the top of his head. She reached down and touched his thick, brown hair, letting her fingers get tangled up in it.

He paused and looked up at her. Then he continued. Drawing the brush up over her soft, warm belly. He was focused now, totally in the moment. Not really thinking, just doing. Guiding his brush over his new canvas.

A strand of his hair fell from Ant’s fingers and came to rest just below her ribs. Romeo blew at it gently to move it out of the way. As his warm breath floated over her skin she decided that this was, by far, the single sexiest moment of her entire life.

“So, what’re you painting?” she asked.

“You told me not to tell you.”

“I know.”

“Do you want to know?”


He drew the brush farther down her body. Eventually running out of room. Without thinking, or even asking, he opened her jeans. Popping each individual button fly one by one and then spreading the denim wide, unfurling it like the wings of a butterfly.

She didn’t stop him. In fact she wanted him to go further. Her silky, black thong peeked out from underneath. It had embroidered strappy bands that hugged her hips and continued around, disappearing behind her. She wondered what he was thinking.

What he was thinking was that he wanted the darker Carmine Red instead of the brighter, more pink, reddish violet he had brought over with him. It would be a better color for the petals. But he wasn’t about to get up and get it.

There was no way. Sure he was focused, and painting. But he was also well aware of her panties and her stomach and how beautiful and close she was to him right now. He could see the soft little hairs on her skin as he painted over them. He could feel the warmth of her body.

Yeah, he was painting and focused and, by all accounts acting like a professional, but he definitely wanted this girl. He wanted her in the worst/best possible way. So much so that it would have been very awkward for him to stand up in front of her at that particular moment. So, he continued to paint and concentrate on what he was doing.

The image was starting to come into focus and he liked what he saw. So far he was digging this, all of it. The newness, the sexy hotness, the connection he felt to his canvas and subject. The connection he fe

lt to this girl. He was excited by the prospect of exploring all of it further.

As he finished another stroke he again blew softly across her stomach. It chilled the paint even more and Ant reveled in the mix of cool paint against her flushed skin. He was so close to her. So close and so unbelievably sexy. She knew she couldn’t wait any longer.

“Hey,” she said.

He looked up at her and when he did she cupped his face in both her hands.

“Come here,” she said.

Romeo knew that look. He knew she wanted to be kissed. He put down the brush and made his way up to her. He pulled his body up onto hers, smearing the paint as he did. Then, for only the second time, he kissed her.

As his lips touched hers she knew that she was his. Ant’s head spun as she basked in the smell of him, the taste of him, the feel of him on top of her. She had never wanted someone so bad.

She guided his kisses to her neck, her chest. His hands touched her where she longed to be touched - her bare shoulders, under her arms, her waist, her breasts. He kissed and caressed every inch of her, slowly, patiently, knowingly. She couldn’t wait any longer. She nudged him lower and he obliged her.

Romeo kissed his way down her belly. His lips against her warm skin. A little lower each time. He paused to look at the paint. He touched it. Swirling the red into the green, smearing it over her. His fingertips pressing into her flesh. Sliding over it. Making her gasp.