So - the big q of the night
Creepy or cool?
Ant thought about it for a second. It was a little stalkeresque of him to find her like that, but she admired his drive and ingenuity. And wasn’t she worth doing a little digging for?
Romeo breathed a sigh of relief. He settled down deeper into the sofa and sent another message.
Whatcha doin?
Just about to go to bed
Can I keep you up for a while?
I dunno
Can you?
I think I can
(Smile emoji)
Tell me about you
What do you want to know?
And so they began to really talk. Well, text. Well, messenge if you want to be really picky about it.
She told him all about herself. How she hated law, but loved food. How she wanted to open up a little place that she could call her own. How she still had no idea how she was going to tell her dad.
And he listened.
He listened and understood and wrote back what amounted to all the right things at all the right times. Then he told her all about him. How he cooked at Monty’s but what he really wanted to do was paint. How he wanted to travel more, maybe see the sunrise on a beach in Bali, maybe walk along the Great Wall of China… She was thrilled to find he had such passion.
And this went on for hours. As the night stretched on they wrote about their hopes and dreams, family and friends, loves and losses. Each of them feeling like the other was really listening, really hearing what they were saying.
Around two, things got a little flirty when he asked what she was wearing and she described a frilly, pink, see through teddy instead of the frayed flannels she was currently sporting. Turns out her dad kept the air cranking all night, all summer. Her room was freezing. Hence the winter wear.
Around three Romeo got hungry and took a break to make himself a sandwich. The pickings were slim in his place, but he managed to make a grilled cheese out of a stale crust of bread and a couple of Kraft singles. Microwaving it, however, turned out to be a mistake.
Around four they spoke at length about their families, their restaurants and this stupid feud they all were having. Ending the topic by deciding they wouldn’t let it get in their way.
Around five they both dozed off. For a good twenty minutes or so. Both of them still clutching their phones. A car alarm woke him. His text woke her.
Around six the sun started coming up and they realized that they’d been up and at it all night. Still they wrote more. Both of them tired, but energized by the dawn of a new day and the optimism that it brought. Energized by hope.
Well goodnight
Yes really
Do you know how late it is ?
It’s early