It took Benny a second or two to get his bearings and compose himself, but when he looked up, Nikki was looking right back down at him.
“Um… Er… I…,” he stuttered. Then he stopped. Benny was usually at a loss for words, but this… He had nothing. So, he just smiled, awkwardly.
“Oh please,” said Nikki as she got up, rolling Benny off of her and onto the ground.
Benny lay there, on the sidewalk, unable to look away, but thoroughly enjoying the view as Nikki headed back into the kitchen.
“That was awesome!” howled Marco.
“Yeah. That was awesome,” agreed Benny.
“And that guy… What was his name? Tyler?”
“Yeah, Tyler.”
“What a tool.”
“Yeah… Such a tool. And, um, who was that girl?”
“Her? That was Nikki.”
“And you went out with her?”
“Yeah I did,” Marco said with a smirk. “I almost forgot how slutastic she was. I ought to call her again.”
“Yeah…” said Benny. His voice trailing off.
Marco, Benny and Romeo were making their way home. Making substantially more noise than they needed to. Marco was still hopped up on the hoopla and Benny, as always, was along for the ride. Romeo, on the other hand, was being unusually quiet.
“Hey. Who was that girl you were talking to?”
No answer.
Marco tried again, louder. “Yo. Romeo. Who was that girl?”
“Oh… Nobody… Just some girl.”
“She was hot too. We ought to double. I’ll bring Nikki. Think they know each other?”
“Uh… I’m not sure. ”
“Probably. They work together.”
“Really?” asked Benny. “You going to call her again?”
“Why not. Now that I remember it, she was quite the little hot pocket.” Then he clapped his hands together and said, “Hey. Let’s get a drink. Benny?”
“Yo Romeo. Drink?”
No answer.
“Huh? Yeah?”