Page 154 of Romeo & Antoinette

“Thank you.”

“You outdid yourself honey,” said her dad.

“It really looks great,” said Mrs Monty.

“Impressive,” said Monty, nodding his head.

Romeo came over to help. “Here. Let me take everyone’s coats.”

It was winter at this point so there was plenty to take. They piled it on. Coats, hats, gloves, scarves… Romeo went to the small coat room and hung them up one by one.

Ant paused. “Ummm… What’s going on here?”

With the coats off it was immediately apparent that the wives were wearing the same identical dress.

“Going on with what?” asked her mom.

“Did you guys get dressed together?

“No silly. But we did go shopping together.”

“You did?”

“Yes sweetie we did. We go shopping together all the time.”

“And to lunch,” added Mrs Monty.

“And to lunch. It seems we even have the same taste.”


“Yeah sometimes.”

“Like tonight.”

“Right. Like tonight. We didn’t know till we were on our way that we were both wearing the same dress.”

“Yeah and by then it was too late to turn around. So we just said why not.”

“I think we look cute.”

“Yeah. Like twins.”

“You picked them up?” Romeo

asked his dad.

“Sure. They picked us up last time.”

“Last time? When?”

“I don’t know. A week or two ago. When we went out to dinner at that steak place.”

“No. It was that seafood place,” said Cap.

“Oh yeah. You’re right. That was good. ”

“Yeah it was,” said Cap, hitting Monty with a high five.