Page 149 of Romeo & Antoinette

“What is happening?” asked Mrs Cap.

“That’s my boy,” Mrs Monty said proudly in response.

The Caps looked at each other with surprise. The Montys looked at each other with satisfaction. The four of them looked at each other with guarded resignation. All of them well aware that this was obviously more than just a kiss. A long, lingering, meaningful, soul tapping, toe curling, warm, wonderful, wet kiss.

“All right. That’s enough of that,” said the Mayor as he rolled forward. “Is everyone okay?”

“Are you?” asked Ant.

“I am,” said Romeo. “Thanks to you.”

“It was more than just me,” said Ant as she gestured to the dads. “It was them too. Both of them.”

Monty looked over at Cap. Cap, who was no doubt a little embarrassed by how he’d been acting recently smiled awkwardly then looked away. By the time he looked back, Monty was standing in front of him with his hand out .

“Thank you,” he said.

Cap reached out. The two men shook hands hesitantly. Then Cap grabbed Monty and pulled him in for a big, soggy, bear hug. Thankful that both their kids were okay.

“Has anybody seen Patrick?” asked the Mayor.

“I’m right here,” said Patrick, moving forward through the crowd. His shoes sloshing as he walked.

“Where were you?”

“I was out on the lake.”

“Out on the lake? While all this mayhem was happening?”

“Well, I… er…”

“Last I checked tonight was a work night for you wasn’t it?”

Patrick just stood there, dripping, not knowing what to say. “I… er…”

“Well, how about you get back to work now. Check my guests. Make sure everyone is okay. Then start policing this area. Get it all cleaned up. Maybe we can salvage a little piece of my party.”

“Yes sir,” Patrick said meekly. Then he turned around and disappeared into what was left of the gathering.

“That kid…” the Mayor said shaking his head and trailing off. “If he thinks I don’t know what he’s been up to… I may be slow,” he began, slapping his scooter. “But I ain’t slow,” he finished, nocking his noggin.

Monty approached Ant. He tapped her on the shoulder. When she looked up he spoke. “Thank you,” he said.

She smiled up at him.

“And you,” Monty continued, now talking to his son. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I am.” Romeo was talking about more than just his health as he looked up at Ant.

Then Monty gave his son a hand and helped him to his feet.

“I can’t believe that ambulance still isn’t here yet,” Cap said aloud .

It wasn’t. But it was close. It was on its way. They could all hear the sirens getting louder with each passing minute. In fact it was very close now. Traveling full speed down the main road adjacent to the park drive. Two other police cruisers in front of it, leading the way. All with their lights flashing and sirens wailing.

Tyler let them all pass, then he stepped out onto the road. He could see another set of headlights coming towards him. He knew he needed to get out of there as fast as possible. With his car at the bottom of the lake, and his cell soaked and dead from the water, he had no choice but to try and hitch. He walked to the middle of the road and began waving his arms wildly. Hoping whoever it was would stop and help him out.

The headlights were bright. He couldn’t really make out the car - the make or model. But, they could see him. They could see him crystal clear. And by the time they’d slowed to a stop, he’d realized the error of his ways.