Page 139 of Romeo & Antoinette

Patrick and Ant made their way to the end of the wooden dock. Silently winding through the crowded party as they did. It extended from the shore to about fifty feet out into the lake. There were newish rowboats lining one side and a number of peddle boats and kayaks lining the other. A half dozen or so people were waiting in line for their turn.

“You ready?” he asked.

She wasn’t listening. She was staring off into the middle of the lake. Lost in thought. Vaguely focused on the pinpoint rainbows of moonlight bouncing off the chop of the wake. The blues, the reds, the yellows and greens…

He tried again. “Hey…” he said softly, almost playfully.

“Um, yeah?”

“Where’d you go?”

“Nowhere,” she said, shaking it off.

“You ready?”


“You sure?”

She smiled at him. “Yes. Absolutely. Let’s do this.”

“You ever been out on the water at night?”

“Once or twice.”

“Nice, right?”

“Mmm Hmm… ”

After watching a forty something couple in matching khaki shorts and blue oxfords ease themselves onto a peddle boat it was their turn.

“Go ahead. You first,” Patrick said, holding out his hand.

She used his grip to steady herself as she got into the waiting rowboat. Once she was settled he stepped in and sat down opposite her.

“You’re sure you’re ready?” he asked, grabbing one oar, then the other.

Maybe this won’t be so bad, she thought, starting to come around. Maybe he’s okay. He is cute. And successful. And so far he’s been really nice… “Absolutely.”

“Allrighty then.”

As he dipped the first oar into the water Nikki showed up. She had pushed her way through the crowd and now stood on the edge of the dock.

“I’m coming too,” she said defiantly, stepping off the dock and into the boat before either one of them could object. She took a seat next to Ant so they were both facing him.

“What are you doing?”

“What’s it look like I’m doing? I’m coming too.”


“Why not?”

“It’s no problem,” Patrick said as he pushed the rowboat away from the dock and began to row out onto the lake. “The more the merrier.”

They rowed around for close to twenty minutes before either of the girls spoke. Both of them silently fuming at the other.

“Really, what are you doing here?” Ant finally asked.