Page 132 of Romeo & Antoinette

“Yup, four.”

“How about snakes? You got any snakes?”

“I think so. Over here,” she said as she started walking toward the snake department.

“I’m gonna need at least twenty, no thirty.”

The girl stopped in front of a row of glass tanks. Only two of them had snakes in them. The rest were filled with a variety of other reptiles - a gecko, two iguanas, and a handful of assorted frogs including one with the most amazing iridescent blue coloring. Another one with a fiery red belly.

Tyler stopped for a second, distracted and curious about the interesting amphibians. He always did have a thing for animals.

“This is it,” said ponytail girl. “We’ve got two garter snakes and a rosy boa.”

“That’s it?!” yelled Tyler, snapping back to the task at hand.

“That’s it.”

“What do you got a lot of?”

“Why do you need a lot?” the girl asked, growing suspicious.

“I’m making a stew. What do you care?”

“I’m not sure. I could check the inventory on the computer.”

“Roaches?” Tyler asked, hopefully.


“Crickets,” said Tigger, as he walked by them a second time.


“Yeah crickets. Came in this morning.”

“And you got a lot?”

“Oh yeah. Tons. How many you want?”

“I want all of them,” Tyler said, reaching for his wallet and already seeing the look on the faces of all the people at the party…

Ten minutes later Tyler tossed the large plastic bin into the back seat of his open convertible and covered it haphazardly with a woolen blanket he kept in the back. Then, at exactly 8:08pm, he peeled out toward the party.


Patrick and Monty and Mrs Monty joined the Mayor and Cap and Mrs Cap in the quietest corner the Mayor could muster. He was becoming more annoyed by the minute. This was taking valuable time away from his festivities, and the buffet was due to open any second. If the Mayor didn’t get any of the eggplant parmigiana there would be hell to pay.

He pulled Patrick down to his level. “Go check out the buffet. Make sure there’s plenty of eggplant and sausage.

“Got it.”

Then the Mayor turned his attention back to the group. He was visibly irritated. “Great. Fantastic. We’re all here now.”

He looked at each and every one of them, making sure that they all knew that they were now on notice. “This has gone on way too long. And frankly, I’m tired of it.”

Cap sighed a bit and rolled his eyes. Just enough not to get yelled at. Mrs Cap looked about distractedly, hopeful that her friends might see this as an exclusive audience with the Mayor and not the dressing down it was meant to be. Monty just shrugged. He got it. But he also felt that none of this was really his fault. And Mrs Monty glared from Cap to Mrs Cap and back again, because apparently, she loathed them. Both of them.

“It’s time to bury the hatchet once and for all,” continued the Mayor. “Before someone gets hurt. ”