Page 123 of Romeo & Antoinette

“About there not being any talent at this party.” Marco gave a little nod in the direction of the entrance. “Look what the cat just dragged in.”

As Romeo followed Marco’s gaze he saw the whole Cap clan enter the party - Cap, Mrs Cap, Nikki and of course, Ant.


“Would you come on?” demanded Cap.

Mrs Cap didn’t like that one bit. “I’m trying!” she spat back through clenched teeth. “My shoes keep getting stuck in the grass.”

“You really think heels were the right thing to wear?”

“Not helping dad,” whispered Ant.

He either didn’t hear her or didn’t care. He just kept on walking. The distance between him and his wife growing with each step.

“It’s a party for the Mayor. What’d you want me to wear? Army boots?”


The party had been steadily growing and parking had become an issue so guests were being directed up onto the lawn at the north side of the lot. This meant that there was a good fifty or so yards of rough terrain they had to walk over before getting to more stable ground. Not very hospitable to heels.

“Hey!” she yelled. “Come back here and help me.”

Cap stopped, sighed a mighty sigh, turned and stomped back to his wife.

“Can you please give me your arm until we get off this grass.”

“Sure honey. Whatever you need.”

The tension was so thick you’d need a chainsaw to cut it.

A few steps later Mrs Cap asked, “Is this really so bad?”


“Escorting your wife into the party like this? On your arm.”

Cap gave a sideways glance and a grunt.

Nikki chuckled to herself. “The family that plays together…” she said.

Only she thought she didn’t say it loud enough for anyone to hear. She was wrong. Mrs Cap heard it. Mrs Cap always heard everything. And when she glanced back at Nikki, Nikki knew she’d heard it.

“Something to say dear?”

“Um… No…”

“Mmm… hmmm…”

“Why did we have to come here again?” Cap asked bitterly.

Mrs Cap pulled his arm a little tighter. “You know why.”

Cap didn’t like it. No siree bub. Not one bit. “Nobody tells me what to do,” he said, under his breath.

Of course, Mrs Cap heard that too. “Don’t think of it that way. Think of this as our chance to see and be seen. To make our presence known.”

Cap didn’t answer her. He just kept on striding and stewing.