Page 121 of Romeo & Antoinette

“Never gonna happen.”

“You’ll see.”

“When?” asked Benny.

Marco raised his hands and said, with an unnecessary abundance of dramatic showmanship, “Soon.”

“You’re crazy,” said Frank.

“Yeah. Crazy like a gold toothed fox.”

“You bring the onions, Mr. Fox?”

“Here,” he said. Handing the bag over to Romeo. Then he changed the subject. “So… What’s the talent situation like?”

They all heard him, but they all ignored him.

“I said, what’s the talent situation like up in here?”

Still nothing. So he walked into the stand and stood next to Romeo. “Not interested?”

“In what?”

“In all the girls at this paahrtayyyy!”

“There are no girls at this party.”

“What do you mean…?” His voice trailed off as he looked around.

Romeo was right. There weren’t a lot of girls at this party. There were quite a few old ladies, and a handful of genuine cougars, and a good dozen or so average middle aged wives of a dozen or so average middle aged guys. But there really wasn’t anyone there these strapping young bucks would normally be interested in. Which, of course, didn’t stop Marco.

“What about that one?” he asked, pointing to a well fed cougar in a tight leopard dress and chunky gold necklace.

“Isn’t she a little old for you?”

“I like ‘em older. That means they got experience.”

Romeo sighed and went on peeling onions.

“Okay. What about that one?” Marco was looking to his left, at a well kept fiftyish gal in a pencil skirt and peasant blouse. She had her hair up in a bun and big, pointy, tortoise rimmed glasses.

“She looks like a school teacher.”

“I like teachers,” he said. “You do something wrong, they make you do it over again.”

That made Romeo chuckle. “Dangerfield,” he said, nodding appreciatively.

An even older woman approached the stand. A gray haired grandma dripping with jewels and wearing sensible shoes. “Hello. Are those ready?” she asked, her voice cracking slightly as she spoke. She pointed vaguely at the sandwiches they were currently supposed to be serving.

Romeo smiled apologetically. “No. I’m sorry. We’re just a little behind. Give me five minutes and come back. I’ll make one special just for you.”

The old woman forced a smile back, said okay, and moved off. As she did Marco gestured lasciviously with his eyes.

“She’s like a hundred. What’s wrong with you?”

“I know. I have a problem.”

“And what’s that?” came a voice from behind him.