Page 104 of Romeo & Antoinette

“It’s not what you think.”

“Oh yeah? Then what is it?”

Romeo told her the truth. That some girl he never met before sat on his lap, kissed him and took a selfie.

“Does that happen to you often?”

“Not very.”

She didn’t care. She’d had enough. “You need to leave.”

“Come on.”

“Now. ”

“You don’t mean that.”

“Hey. You heard her. Time to go.” It was Tyler again.

“You know you got something on your face.”

“Screw you!”

“It’s time to go son.” This time it was Cap. He came out of the office and saw no one was working. It didn’t take him long to figure out why. “Now.” He added.

Romeo looked at her. Nothing he had said seemed to matter. “Don’t do this…”

But she didn’t answer him.

“And the rest of you, get back to work.”

Grudgingly they complied. Tyler, of course, also went back to working on securing his rep.

“Nerve of that guy showing up here,” he said, to anyone within earshot. “He’s lucky I didn’t kick his ass.”

“Didn’t you try that last night?” asked Gary Green Shirt.

“Yeah. You were a lot of help. Besides, last night he had like a dozen guys with him.”

“I thought it was five,” said Nikki.

“Look, he’s still out there,” Tyler said.

It was true. Romeo hadn’t left yet. He was leaning against a nearby tree flipping through his phone.

“I’m so gonna get him for this.”

“Just let it go,” said Ant.

“No way. He ain’t gonna get away with this. Who’s with me?”


“Fine. I’ll do it myself.”

“Are you out of your mind?”
