Page 25 of Romeo & Antoinette

They turned the corner, took a couple more steps and then Stacey abruptly grabbed Romeo, pushed him up against the glass window of the Hair You Are Beauty & Barber Shop, and stuck her tongue down his throat.

She pressed her warm body up against his and he, not one to pass up a true gift from the gods, kissed her back. The two of them went to town on each other for a good five or six minutes, but were ultimately interrupted by a honking horn and a pair of bright headlights.

They jumped, laughed and stumbled on, continuing the walk towards Stacey’s place. But when they got there nothing happened. Stacey smiled, kissed him long and hard, said goodnight and slipped inside the building’s front door before Romeo could get a word out. She never said why she left him standing there, outside, wanting more. Maybe that was the point? And in the many times he’d seen her since then he’d never asked.

They had talked about getting together again once or twice, but the situation never really presented itself. Not yet anyway. Which to Romeo’s mind was fine. There was always tomorrow. And as for today, the whole unspoken, secret, sexual tension thing they shared held its own rewards.

Stacey turned to get the next round for them, her tank top inching up in the back as she reached, revealing the tips a flower tattoo peeking out above her low slung jeans and perfectly formed behind. Marco drank in what he saw.

“Some day…” he said.

“I hear ya,” agreed Romeo, feigning support.

Marco had no idea that Romeo and Stacey had ever hooked up, even just a little, and Romeo had every intention of keeping it that way. Romeo wasn’t really the braggy, kiss and tell type. Besides, he saw no reason to bust Marco’s bubble. Let him dream of blonder pastures if he wanted to. Why not?

Stacey brought another round of shots and beers and placed them on the bar in front of the guys. Marco gestured to his tab which was sitting in a rocks glass in front of him.

“Keep it open?”

“No. Let’s settle up. We got places to go.”

“This round is on me,” she said as she took his credit card and ran his check.

Marco left an unreasonably large tip, drank his shot and pounded his beer. He was liquored up but good, and ready to go.

“We outty?”

“Yup, sure,” said Romeo and Benny as they finished up.

Then Romeo, Marco and Benny headed out into the sultry, summer night. They exited the bar, said goodnight to Tim, complete

with a high five and an obligatory fist bump, and headed off towards Cap’s.

They were about three blocks away when they could first hear the ruckus. They were about two blocks away when they started to see the traffic backed up. And they were just one block away when they finally got a good glimpse of how just rockin’ it was.

The lights were blazing, the music was blaring and the joint was packed with a ton of people scattered from counter to corner - eating, drinking and having a good time.

“Aw, hell no…” said Marco as he pushed past the others and walked on in.

“It’s gonna be one of those nights, isn’t it?” Romeo said as he watched Marco surge ahead, determined to mix it up.

“Uh, yup,” said Benny.

“Frank was right.”

“About what?”

“This isn’t going to end well.”


That Cap’s was rocking was an understatement. It was, in fact, currently on target to be the busiest night they’d ever had. Which had surprised everyone working. Sure, they all thought it would be busy, but this? This was crazy.

“So that’s one cheesesteak with onions.”

“Wit,” said the big bellied guy with the Pyramid Electrical t-shirt on, interrupting Ant as she spoke. On his back was their slogan, “Our Low Prices Will Shock You” .

“Right, wit,” Ant continued. “Chili cheese fries and a Coke.”