Page 21 of Romeo & Antoinette

“All right!”

“Get to work!”

“Okay okay, you don’t have to yell. I’m going. Sheesh.”

Finally Tyler started doing something useful, albeit slowly. He lazily made his way to the tables and started cleaning them off. Throwing the garbage away and wrapping up anything that needed to go back to the restaurant. He was working just hard enough to keep Cap off his back, but he certainly wasn’t breaking a sweat. None of which was lost on his dad.

Mrs Cap knew he wasn’t the hugest fan of his own son, but she loved Tyler and in her eyes he, her baby, could really do no wrong. So instead of butting in and trying to change anybody’s mind about anything she simply tried to change the subject.

“So, for tomorrow, we have so much to do.”

“Like what?” Cap asked.

“Like what? I need to get my hair done, and my nails. And I need a new dress.”

“Why do you need a new dress?”

She ignored him and continued on. “We’ll need to invite everybody.”

“I already did that.”

What about the people who weren’t at the fair. I’ll send an email.”

“Why don’t you call the papers.”

“That’s a great idea.”

“I was kidding.

“It’s still a great idea.”

Cap turned his attention back to the kids. “Okay, listen up,” he said. “Tomorrow night we’re having a big party at the restaurant. We’ve invited the whole town so I need everyone to work.”

“When?” asked Tyler.

“I just told you, tomorrow night.”

“I can’t work. ”

“Yeah you can,” replied Cap, getting immediately f

ed up.

“No, I can’t, I got plans.”

“What? What do you got to do that’s more important than helping out tomorrow night with the family business? Huh? What?”

“I’ve got my fantasy football draft tomorrow night.”

“You’re what?!” Cap was thisclose to losing his mind.

“My fantasy football draft. It’s been planned for a month.”

“Your whole life is a fantasy. You’re working.”

Tyler whined. “Come on. That’s not fair. Mom, tell him.”

“Enough! You’re working. All of you. End of discussion.”