“What about Frank? Frank. Hey Father Frank.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Any chance you can work for Romeo tomorrow night?
Father Frank shook his head. “Sorry, you know I don’t work nights.”
“Come on.”
Then Benny spoke up. “I could work for him.”
“Benny’s off. Why don’t you go with him.”
“No,” Marco said to Benny. “You’ve got to come with us too.
“Just take off.”
“I can’t just take off.”
“Of course you can, you’re the boss’s kid.”
Then Marco went to talk to Monty. He just asked him if Romeo could have the night off tomorrow seeing as how it’ll probably be slow anyway, what with Cap’s having that big party and all. And Monty agreed.
“It’s all settled then,” said Marco with a big grin. “We’ll have a couple of drinks, make a cameo, and start a little ruckus. It’ll be fun.”
“This isn’t going to end well,” mused Father Frank.
“You really want to do this?” asked Romeo.
“Hell yeah,” Marco replied.
“Hell yeah,” added Benny.
“I can’t believe we won,” gushed Mrs Cap as they walked back to their stand.
“Why not?” Cap held the statue out in front of them. “We’re the best.”
Mrs Cap grabbed her husband’s arm and pulled him close. She looked up and laid it on thick, “I never doubted you.”
“Oh really?”
“Yes really.”
“Riiiiiiiight,” he said, letting the word drag out. “Ant, how about you? Any doubt we would win?”
“Not even for a second dad.”
“That’s my girl.”
She hadn’t really given the contest any thought. Win, lose, she didn’t really care. But if it made her dad happy and it was good for business, then great. Congratulations. She still had bigger fish to fry.
She followed behind her folks as they walked the last block to their stand. Stepping over the refuse of a successful summertime street fair. Napkins, plates, crusts of food, wrappers of every conceivable ilk…
She listened to their ongoing banter and wondered how she was going to tell him. Maybe now would be a good time to try again. He seemed to be in a great mood.