“Is that so?” queried Marco.
He looked at Benny for confirmation. But Benny looked away. Like a puppy caught chewing on his owner’s shoe.
“Okay. You want lunch. No problem. In fact, it’s all on me.”
“Get out of here.”
“You don’t want anything to eat?”
“I want ass fries!” yelled Tyler, but even he knew it was starting to get old.
“Come on,” said Romeo. “We all got off on the wrong foot. Let me make it up to you. You look hungry. Let me make you a whole plate. Our best stuff. On me.”
Tyler was starting to waver. He hadn’t realized it, but he was pretty hungry. He hadn’t eaten all day. “Well…”
“Come on. It’s okay.” Romeo pointed to one of the tables outside, over in the corner, under a nice shade tree. “Look. Go sit over there and I’ll bring you a tray. It’ll only take a few minutes. All on me. Go on.”
Tyler looked them over. Then he shrugged and started walking. “And a coke,” he yelled back over his shoulder.
“Sure. Whatever you want.”
Marco couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You’re kidding, right?”
“Oh, come on. Just make him a sandwich.”
“And fries,” added Tara.
“Yeah, and fries.”
“Just do it. Please. Make him a nice plate and let’s put all this behind us.”
“Okay boss man,” Marco said sarcastically. Then he went to work cooking up a VIP platter for Tyler.
Seeing Tyler made Romeo think of Ant. Not that he needed any reminders. The wounds were still too fresh. Good idea or not, he thought that this visit from Tyler was as good a reason as any to try her again.
When he was sure everyone was calm, cool and collected and Marco was actually doing what he’d been asked, Romeo stepped outside, found a quiet corner and called her. It went straight to voicemail. He wasn’t surprised. He hadn’t expected her to pick up.
Romeo returned to the kitchen to find Marco finishing off the food. He’d done a good job. There was a picture perfect steak sandwich with all the fixin’s, a golden pile of fries and a coke.
“Here you go,” Marco said, offering up the plastic tray.
“Thank you,” said Romeo. He carried the food out to Tyler. “Here you go. The best we have to offer.”
Tyler eyed it suspiciously. “Looks like a pile of puke.”
“Right. Well, enjoy.” Romeo dropped the tray. “And listen, I’m sorry about the whole…” He didn’t finish. Instead he gestured to Tyler’s face as a reference to the whole fight, blue paint, glass in the eye thing.
“Whatever,” said Tyler as he poked at the sandwich with his finger.
At that, Romeo headed back to the kitchen. It didn’t take long for Tyler to give in and hit that sandwich. Marco had made it nice, as they say in fancy restaurant parlance. He made it with care and love and attention to detail and unbeknownst to anyone else, except Benny who saw pretty much the whole thing, he made it with a few extra ingredients.
“Thank you,” said Romeo.
“Sure thing,” said Marco with a mischievous grin. He wasn’t looking at Romeo when they spoke. Instead he was staring out the window at Tyler. Like he was waiting for something.
“What’s up?” Romeo asked.